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[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:53%] [53%]2018-07-29 The Lord’s Prayer 主祷文(六)
...睦, healing医治, deliverance释放, demons screaming that were cast out邪灵被赶出去, and God’s kingdom powerfully came down 神国大大降临…people had no desire for their hobbies人们对原来的嗜好失去兴趣, but desire the presence of God只渴慕神的同在! I u...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:23  

...做and live according to what the strongholds tell me to think and to do, 邪灵们就会来折磨我the evil spirits will come to torture me, 并且我的失败也影响我的孩子来论断我and my failure can also cause my son to judge me, 这就像一个累代的捆锁this is like a generatio...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:11:12  

...s for the evil ones to enter. 未处理的怒气带来的不饶恕会打开邪灵的大门。As long as the legal doors remain open, 只要合法的门还开着,the enemy comes in 仇敌就会进来,and creates more problems 并在一个家族中制造更多问题and builds cycles of failure...
发表于 2024-04-14 23:45:03  

...魔争战. (This means Satan and his evil spirits指的是撒旦和他的邪灵. They create conflict and confusion他们制造冲突和混乱, quarrelling and division争吵和分派结党, depression and delusion沮丧和迷惑, and so on等等, by all kinds of lies借的是各式各样的谎言....
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:06  

...稣拥有掌管疾病,death and life, as well as demons, 生死、污鬼邪灵的权能,yet they still didn’t really know who Jesus was. 但他们还是不明白耶稣是谁。So in the midst of the storm在风浪中, they were still terrified of dying他们被死亡的恐惧所胜。But b...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:31  

... renew our minds  with the truth. 我们的心若不被真理更新,邪灵还要回来。For instance, 比如,if you leave the rubbish bin open, 如果你打开垃圾箱, flies will come in, 苍蝇就会进来,unless you clean the bin, 除非你清理了箱子,then they won’t co...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:20  

...人犯罪,And sin gives the evil spirits legal access to enter 罪给了邪灵合法的途径进入,and cause all kinds of problems, 并引起各种各样的问题,mentally, 精神的,psychologically, 心理的,spiritually, 心灵的,physically, 身体的, socially, 社会的,academi...
发表于 2023-03-26 18:05:10  

...its to go out of my life. 我拿起耶稣赐给我的权柄,斥责所有邪灵离开我的生命。Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,release a fresh anointing power into my life, 求你释放膏油和能力,release the Spirit of life to fill me. Thank You Lord.释放生命之灵充满我。感谢你,...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:13  

...神迹,confront spirits through the power of God, 借着神的大能与邪灵对抗,establish a new ministry or a new church in some area despite risk to personal safety; 不顾个人安危在某个地区建立新的事工或新的教会;impart gifts, 传授恩赐,disciple, 对信徒进行...
发表于 2023-09-24 21:51:40  

...e through injustice. 我斥责那因借着不公平感而挟制我的一切邪灵, I command you to go. 我奉主的名命令你们离开我。In the name of Jesus, 我奉主耶稣的圣名, Now if you have any pain in your body,若你身体上有任何的疼痛 you can put your hand on t...
发表于 2022-09-25 16:59:47  
