...t. 愚妄的话如谎言,吹嘘,或不懂装懂的谈论,都是来自邪灵。 (Matt 5:37), and not from the Holy Spirit.而非圣灵。 Romans 6:16
tells us,罗马书6:16告诉我们 “you
are slaves
of the
one you
obey -
you are
slaves to
sin, which
leads to
death, or...
...的方言呢? Do they have a demon inside of
them? 他们里面住着个邪灵吗?The bible
clearly says, 经上说,‘Don’t you know that
when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to
sin, which leads ...
...g that our
invisible enemies, evil spirits, 确保我们看不见的仇敌邪灵won’t invade our
territory through our failure to guard what we need to guard, 不会因为我们疏于职守而入侵领地like Adam did.像亚当那样。
3, The
consequences of failure to guard their terri...
... flies,招来苍蝇,demons will come to make more trouble in your
life. 邪灵也这样来在你生活中扰乱。So healing the heart is needed, 心的医治是需要的, but it’s a process.它是一个过程, It won't occur automatically. 不会自动发生。Instead, it requires us t...
...掌刑的。 Who are the torturers? 掌刑的是什么? Evil spirits 是邪灵. Unforgiveness and bitterness open the doors
to spirits of infirmity and tormenting spirits 不饶恕和苦毒为疾病的灵和折磨人的灵打开了大门. In my ministry 在我的事工中, I see people suffering ...
...g from a slave girl, 在使徒行转中,保罗赶出一个使女身上的邪灵and
saved her soul. 拯救了她的灵魂。But instead of receiving
praise, 但是,他没有得到赞扬,he was flogged severely, 反而被重重地鞭打,and put into jail by the girl’s owners, 并且被...
...给我们的. It’s an
unclean spirit who makes us fear. 这是一个邪灵,牠让我们惧怕What God has given us is the Holy Spirit神赐我们的是圣灵, who is the third Person of
the Trinity 是三位一体神的一位The Holy Spirit
offers us power, love and a sound mind. 圣灵...
...了自杀的念头 they are
interacting with demons. 都是他们正在与邪灵互动。Years ago, we had
a brother with us, 几年前,我们有一位弟兄,he came to the
church on and off. 他刚开始不常来教会。One day, when I saw him, 有一天,当我看到他时,the Hol...
...令, I’ll open doors for evil spirits to attack me,我会开门让邪灵来攻击我and steal the blessings You’ve prepared for me,来偷窃你已经为我预备的祝福 I’m willing to forgive and let go of the
judgement I made on my parents or XXX赦免我一切对父母的论...
...ontrol…to go…我命令被拒绝、惧怕、巫术、控制的邪灵离开我,I release the areas of my heart once occupied
by evil powers now be filled with the Holy Spirit. 我释放我心中曾经被邪恶力量占据的地方,现在求圣灵来充满。 Holy Spirit, come
into ...