...高烧,我求问主,神就启示给我发烧的原因,是不饶恕和邪灵的攻击。And I heard the
Lord say, “Tonight at 9pm the fever will leave. 我听见主说:“今晚九点烧会退。”that was
before 5pm. 那时还没到下午五点。When people
heard about thi...
... kill, and destroy our
lives?我们该如何分辨圣灵或假扮圣灵的邪灵的工作呢?好让我们及时堵住破口,不叫我们的生命遭到偷窃,杀害,毁坏。Some people are afraid of spiritual things, so they reject all kinds of spiritual
things, but this doesn’t mea...
... 平静风暴、multiplied
food, 使食物增多,cast out demons, 赶出邪灵、and
healed those tormented by the power of Satan. 医治受撒但权势折磨的人。In
the battle between sight and blindness, 在看见与瞎眼、health
and sickness, 健康与疾病、life and death, 生与...
...ority 失去了属灵的权柄,and were subdued by the evil
spirits. 被邪灵制伏。They lost their ability to
produce children in God’s image and bear fruit of the Holy Spirit. 他们失去了照神的形像生养众多儿女的能力和结圣灵的果子。 So they lost their ab...
...怕或羞耻有关,which give evil
spirits access to torment you. 这让邪灵有机会来折磨你。Because the
Kingdom of darkness operates through our hidden struggles in life, 因为黑暗国度是借着我们生命里、struggles in relationships, marriages, lives.
was taking photos当一个新信徒正在拍摄她, the demon shouted邪灵大叫, “How dare you to take pictures of me, when
you are a fornicator你怎么敢拍我,你是淫乱的.” That new-comer
was so afraid那个新信徒怕了and stopped
taking photos不敢再照拍, bec...
...于我受伤了。I opened the doorway for the
spirit of bitterness我给邪灵攻击打开了门, and judgement to come in. 让论断的邪灵进到我的里面。Please forgive me.请你饶恕我的过犯, I forgive myself, 我也饶恕我自己,and forgive them….也饶恕冒犯我...
with demons. pharmakeia这个词暗示着巫术,敬拜鬼魔,和邪灵相交。This raises a question, 这就提出了一个问题,how can the acts
of the flesh be linked to the work of demons? 属情欲的事怎么能和魔鬼的工作联系起来? What is this
witchcraft 什么是...
...tt 太12:28). 人就得了医治。Demons represent the kingdom of darkness邪灵代表黑暗国度。We’re citizens of heaven living in this
dark world, 我们是天国的子民住在黑暗世界里,we’re already involved in spiritual warfare against the
dark kingdom. 我们...
...与黑暗就笼罩了这世界,demonic spirits began to oppress people,邪灵开始辖制人,sorrows, 忧伤hurt,伤害,violence,暴力,sickness, 疾病,separation, 隔阂,and death entered the world,和死亡就进了世界,making our lives messy.把我们的生活搅得一团糟。Bu...