...d me 他用膏膏我,to preach the gospel to the poor, 叫我传福音给贫穷的人,and another mission is to bind up the broken-hearted 另一个使命是使伤心的人得医治、and set the captives free.” 使被掳的得着释放。” Jesus wants us to be set free. 主耶稣愿...
Blessed are those who are poor in Spirit, 灵里贫穷的人有福了,for
theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.因为天国是他们的。 Blessed are
the meek, 温柔的人有福了,for they will inherit the Kingdom.因为他们要承受天国。 For the sake of training ...
...l become rich
in eternity or poor. 影响你在永恒里是富足的还是贫穷的。This’s what Jesus said!这是耶稣说的话!But how do we store up treasure in heaven? 怎样积攒财宝在天上?It can start with giving in a small way, 你可以试着给like giving offerings to the...
...被消极的意念吞灭,full of poverty, self-pity, and sadness. 充满贫穷、自怜和伤心。And diseases will get you. 疾病也会临到你。
A joyful heart requires us to practice this
basic discipline in our everyday lives. 要得着喜乐的心,需要我们在每天的生活中...
we will be poor and foolish. (see Jer 5:4) 我们就会贫穷愚昧下去。(耶5:4)So from Exo
16, we can see the principle of God’s provision is based on “what we need”. 所以从出埃及记16章,我们看到神供应的原则,是基于“我们...
...st, the poor, and the sick; 愿你给那些向失丧的、弱小的、贫穷的、有病的人传福音的宣教士开门;let the fatherless hear the good news and turn to You in the midst of the pandemic; 愿孤儿听见好消息,在这疫情中转向你;Let disaster be turned into ...
... houses, and honor from men, grasping for what I desire,心中依然贫穷,愁苦,没有喜乐,没有满足。yet my heart remains
impoverished, troubled, joyless, and unsatisfied...主啊,你有永生之道,我还跟从谁呢? Lord, You have the way to eternal life; who e...