... to preach the good news to
the poor, 祂用膏膏我,叫我传福音给贫穷的人;in other words, 换句话说, the good news is that Jesus came to bring us back to the
Father, 福音是耶稣来把我们带回天父身边,He wants to tear down walls, 祂要拆毁隔断的墙,He wants...
...国八福第一福,讲的是 倒空 – “poor in spirit 灵里贫穷”, that we are to be emptied of our pride就是要倒空我们里面的骄傲, and this week这周, we move on to the desire to be filled我们来看怎样填满, that is to hunger
and thirst for righteousness就...
... proclaim good news to the
poor因为他用膏膏我, 叫我传福音给贫穷的人. He has sent me to proclaim freedom差遣我报告:for the prisoners and
recovery of sight for the blind被掳的得释放, 瞎眼的得看见, to set the oppressed free叫那受压制的得自由, 19 to pro...
Lack, Poverty, Debts缺乏、贫穷、欠债 (See
Deut 28:17,29, 47-48,申28:17,29,47-48). This is a curse on
the finances财务方面的咒诅. A person under this curse will squander,
waste and get further into debt and bondage该咒诅下的人...
...ble hearts神在寻找那些谦卑的人! Who are poor in the spirit!灵里贫穷的人!In the book of Acts《使徒行传》中记录, after Jesus’ resurrection耶稣复活后, He stayed on
the earth with His disciples for forty days 祂四十天之久向门徒显现 and spoke about the Ki...
... 2:5” 我亲爱的弟兄们,请听,神岂不是拣选了世上的贫穷人,叫他们在信上富足,并承受他所应许给那些爱他之人的国吗?(雅各书 2:5) It says, firstly, 这里说,第一,we,
Christians are called to inherit the Kingdom. 我们基...
...it the Kingdom he promised those who love him神岂不是拣选了世上的贫穷人,叫他们在信上富足,并承受他所应许给那些爱他之人的国吗? James 2: 5(雅2:5)This verse tells us that some Christians
can still remain at a low social status in the eyes of this world这...
...rejected, we
accepted, He was condemned, we
forgiven. 他成了贫穷,叫我们可以成为富足,他被弃绝,叫我们被接纳,他被定罪,叫我们得赦免。
He was
crucified, we can have eternal life! He has promised that He will
forsake us or reject us....
...膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人(或作“传福音给贫穷的人”),差遣我医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢;2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of
vengeance of our God.报告耶和华的恩年,和我们...