...5因为你们确实地知道,无论是淫乱的,是污秽的,是有贪心的,在基督和 神的国里都是无份的。有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样。V.1 tells us that as Christians we don’t have any other example apart from Jesus himself. 第1节告诉我们,作为基...
... to want to have something that
doesn’t belong to us.比如贪婪和贪心,使我们想得到不属于我们的东西。Covetousness
and greed can cause us to fall into other sins, 贪心会使我们掉进其他的罪中。for
example, when David committed adultery, 当大卫犯了奸淫...
...ce, greed, jealousy, idolatry and the
like, 因为罪,骄傲、悖逆、贪心、嫉妒、拜偶像等等,keep us from God’s
holy presence and blessings, 使我们与神圣洁的同在和祝福隔绝,“it’s not enough…“不够不够……I want more&hel...
...,因为你们确实地知道,无论是淫乱的,是污秽的,是有贪心的,在基督和神的国里都是无分的。有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样。 The Greek word “Kleronomia” for inheritance means “an
inheritance; or property received by inheritance; ...
Ingratitude opens the door to attitudes of greed, 不感恩给贪心、complaint, 抱怨、disobedience,
悖逆不服、idolatry, 拜偶像and
other sins.和其他罪开了门。Failing to express gratitude 不去表达感恩,is a form of disobedience to God’s command in 1
...ip; “他们太懒了……she’s greedy… 她太贪心了……he’s a difficult person,
I don’t want to talk to him… 他很难相处,我不想和他说话……yes, he is my relative
or friend, but I don’t want to visit him&...
... out all the craving thoughts from our hearts让我们从心里赶出这些贪心, and declare来宣告, “be still! And know that He is God心啊,要安静!要知道祂是神!” In this world在世界上, there is a lot of
uncertainty about the economy存在着许多不确定性,...
...、名气,被尊重. The bible says经上说, “greed is idolatry有贪心的,就与拜偶像的一样. (see
Eph 5:5,弗5:5)”Those intangible gods can be something you desire看不见的偶像可以是你想要的东西! That’s why they are deceptive所以是迷惑人的! Whe...
...anger恼怒, slander诽谤, gossip闲言碎语, and conceit自大, or greed贪心, or adultery淫乱, or idolatry拜偶像, or homosexuality同性恋吗? (see 1 Cor
6:9-10 林前6:9-10) Absolutely impossible绝不可能! Because God is Holy神是圣洁的! His kingdom is not a kingdom of sin and ...