...r, 里面却藏着惧怕、envy, 嫉妒、insecurity, 不安全感、greed 贪婪and all kinds of sins in
their hearts.和种种罪恶。That’s not
what God wanted them to do and to be. 那并不是神要他们所做、所成为的样子。For we were created in the image of
God. ...
...lf-righteousness, 充满自义,fear, 惧怕,jealousy,
嫉妒,greed, 贪婪,and
unforgiving thoughts. 和不饶恕的意念。The
true light of the world Jesus,世上的真光耶稣,never
hates sinners, 从不恨罪人,but
hates sin. 祂恨的是罪。 As followers of Jesus, 作...
...lment of the Law. 像那不可奸淫,不可杀人,不可偷盗,不可贪婪,或有别的诫命,都包在爱人如己这一句话之内了。……所以爱就完全了律法。If you say that you have kept the Law, 你若说你已经遵守了律法,it means that you have loved ...
...lousy, greed, pride, unforgiveness and disobedience这私欲造成嫉妒、贪婪、骄傲、不饶恕和不顺服. And turn to practicing the truth
in faith转向在信心中操练真理. If those God’s
people who are like King Saul don’t truly repent of the sin of disobedience要是...
...神要的是他的子民从偷窃、杀害(仇恨)、欲望、谎言、贪婪和各样邪情私欲中回转过来走义路 。Jesus was meek, 耶稣是柔和谦卑,but he was riled up at that moment, 但他发怒了,when he saw that God’s people had made the temple - a place which was su...
...nce, sexual sins, jealousy, greed
and so on.如悖逆、淫乱、嫉妒、贪婪等等。
In this world, we all face all kinds of
troubles, 在这世上,每个人都面临各样的问题,it’s
normal that we may be misunderstood, 这很正常,就是我们...
...ovetousness, fear, arrogance, sexual sin, or whatever,“当你顺从贪婪、恐惧、自大、淫乱等罪,it will impact
your families for another three or four generations. 它将影响你的家庭三四代的后裔。” But God is merciful. 神是何等怜悯。He will show His lo...
...” “It’s your greedy
that caused this trouble这是你的贪婪造成的” Threats were
raised around me everywhere威胁四面围绕我from inside the church
to outside the church, 从教会里外 from our family to our friends, 从家人到朋友,they thought that I
...sus. 不爱耶稣。The love of the self produces greed, 爱自己会导致贪婪、idolatry, 拜偶像、pride, 骄傲、self-indulgence, 自我放纵 and so many other sins. 和许多其它的罪。 Actually, the impact of the love of the self will spread from
families to churches. 专顾自...
...怜悯 lack of faithfulness不忠心, etc.), 3, idolatry拜偶像 (greed,贪婪 unbelief不信, arrogance自高, stubbornness顽梗) 4, words that do not show thanksgiving不说感谢的话 (gossip闲话, or judging论断, or dirty jokes黄色笑话, or accusing, or 控告condemning定罪). 5, disob...