...he testing of his faith by unjust judgement of his
friend, 他在信心受试炼时,他的朋友却不公义地论断他。for
his 7 sons and 3 daughters died when the house collapsed while they were eating
in their brother’s place. 他7个儿子3个女儿,在其中一个儿子家中吃...
...ough the flood
as a testing of your faith这是说只有你经历洪水的试炼, you won’t really
know that He sits enthroned over the flood你不能真知道祂在洪水以上坐在为王, and that He is much powerful than your hard situation祂比你的困境大的多, and than your enemi...
...allenges, trials, and
temptations, 每一天我们都面对不同挑战、试炼、试探,yesterday’s manna is not gonna sustain us. 昨天的吗哪管不到今天。We need His
daily provision, 我们需要的是神每日的供应,His fresh words that can be
opened to us, 是祂用新...
... in the way everlasting. 23神啊,求你鉴察我,知道我的心思;试炼我,知道我的意念,24看在我里面有什么恶行没有,引导我走永生的道路。 This is a prayer asking for intimacy. 这是一个祈求亲密关系的祷告, King David wanted
God to purif...
...的位置都有神的旨意。Trial comes to Esther the queen again. 试炼再次临到王后以斯帖。 Haman, one of the king’s nobles, 王的臣仆哈曼, tried to wipe out the race of Israel. 想要灭绝通国的所有犹太人。Mordecai sent a message to Esther,...
why does God allow deception and trials? 但神为什么允许迷惑和试炼发生? You can ask yourself, 你可以问自己, why do you need to
past tests in school? 读书的时候为什么要考试? Because you need to prove what you’ve
...来量。In other words 换句话说, Trials come to measure us 试炼会来,为要量我们,and expose whether we are like Jesus or like Adam. 并显明我们像耶稣还是像亚当。
Jesus said主说, Be perfect, as your
Heavenly Father is perfect. 所...
“Even if You don’t”…I would not deny my faith in You, because
You are always faithful to me. Let my life glorify Your name! Thank You Lord,
in Jes...
...西兰对我是旷野经历,lots of trials but also a preparation很多试炼但也是预备。Now I’m still serving humbly and
waiting patiently for God’s dreams to come true现在谦卑服侍,耐心等候神的多个异象成就.
2, He restores. (v.3) 祂复兴
...ls for a clear distinction between testing and tempting. 呼吁我们区分试炼和试探。 God does not tempt us, 神不试探我们, as James 1:13 states: 雅各书1:13说:“God cannot be tempted by evil,
nor does He tempt anyone. ” “因为神不能被恶试探, 祂也不试...