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...: “For when he has been approved…”“因为经过试炼……” That word “approved” is huge. “经过试炼”这个词很关键, It means tested, 意味着被测试、refined, 被提炼、proven to be real. 被证明是真的。 It&rsq...
发表于 2025-03-11 16:03:11  

... trials will show that your faith is genuine.彼得前书1:7说,这些试炼必表明你的信心是真实的。 It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. 叫 你 们 的 信 心 既 被 试 验 , 就 比 那 被 火 试 ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:09  

... testing of faith in James 1:1-4. 我们分享了雅各书1:1-4中信心的试炼。Then, in v.5, 然后,在第5节,James immediately encourages believers to ask God for wisdom. 雅各立即鼓励信徒向神求智慧。Wisdom? 智慧?How many of us desire wisdom? 我们中有多少人渴慕...
发表于 2025-02-23 22:07:31  

...never you face trials of many kinds, 2 我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐;because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 3 因为知道你们的信心经过试验,就生忍耐。Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be matur...
发表于 2025-02-16 23:02:26  

...说,the purpose of trails and testing of our faith is for our maturity. 试炼我们的信心,是为了叫我们成熟。If we can stand firm after being tested, 如果我们能在经受考验后站稳脚跟,we’ll grow in perseverance and wholeness. 我们就会在毅力和完全上成...
发表于 2022-11-13 16:03:29  

...he storms (trials and difficulties) of your life在你生命中的风暴(试炼和困境中), you may question God你或许问神, “Does God really know my situation?神你真知道我的难处吗 ?If so若是, why does He allow me to suffer such threats?为什么你让我承受惊吓?...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:31  

...le不过暂时相信, but in the time of testing they fall away及至遇见试炼就退后了. 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear那落在荆棘里的,就是人听了道, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures走开以...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:36:57  

...ourages us to ask God for wisdom when facing trials, 雅各鼓励我们在试炼中向神求智慧,so that we don’t feel discouraged 使我们不至灰心,but instead gain pure joy. 反得喜乐。When reading 当你读James 雅1:5–11, you’ll notice that James appears to jump...
发表于 2025-03-11 16:03:08  

...e presence of many trials and temptations但神的确将我们带到许多试炼试探中, like He did to Christ如同对基督一样. He is the sovereign God and always in charge祂是至高者,并永远掌权! In fact实际上, every moment we are facing the presence of temptation about what ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:16  

...荣耀,when you trust in Him faithfully in the midst of trials.你若在试炼中忠心信靠祂。Listen, In the midst of trials, 在试炼中,you’re not just showing your faith to God, 你不但向神表明你的信心,but showing a testimony to the enemy. 也向仇敌作见证。Who w...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:09  
