...fore the temptation of the devil并意识到 神的儿子亚当受魔鬼的试探跌倒,没有荣耀神的名. And the Israelites also failed
to glorify God’s name before the devil以色列民也在魔鬼面前跌倒,没有荣耀神的名. But the only and beloved Son of God Christ Jesus ...
...into temptation quite
often. 在那时,我们随从肉体,经常掉进试探。For example, the church of Corinth was described as immature and a mere infant in Christ by Paul the apostle (1 Cor 3:1-3), 例如,使徒保罗描述哥林多教会是基督里的婴儿(林前3:1-3),althoug...
...and Satan has been made available for us. 借着主基督,使胜过罪、试探和撒但为我们成为可能。What a wonderful Saviour we have! We thank You Jesus! 何等奇妙的救主耶稣!我们感谢你!
Would you please open your mouths with your eyes closed
and tha...
...ng our cravings for praise from man to the Cross when temptation comes, 当试探来的时候,求你帮助我们把这“渴望从人得荣耀”钉上十字架,so that we won’t be offended when we’re forgotten by people but will rejoice in You. 使我们不因被...
...:3,“Some Pharisees
came to him to test him太19:3.有法利赛人来试探耶稣说,They asked, “Is it lawful for a
man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?人无论什么缘故都可以休妻吗” Their concern was about whether “is it
...因被人说什么做什么而被冒犯生气,以至于不饶恕人或受试探。弟兄姊妹,愿我们得智慧!因我们行事为人是凭信心,不是凭着眼见。林后5:7Just as the
story we shared last month, when Paul was troubled by the girl who was
following them and shouting, ...
... of the world, the flesh and Satan, 去胜过这世界、肉体和撒旦的试探,and walk by the Spirit of truth, and to bear fruit.行在真理里,并结出圣灵的果子。Now, who will be weeping and gnashing their teeth? 谁会哀哭切齿呢?Jesus mentioned this a couple of times in the...