...tation, offense,
rejection, and the shame of the cross. 但他却胜过了试探,冒犯感,拒绝感,和十架的羞辱感。He
said, “follow me. 他说:“跟从我,follow
my way of doing life and relationships, 遵循我的生活方式和与人相处,and
learn from Me.&rdqu...
...e enables me to overcome any temptations, 是因父的爱让我胜过一切试探,the
Father’s love enables me to be the Light of the world. 因父的爱让我成为世上的光。There’s no unforgiveness or any sin
found in Me to quench the light. 不饶恕和罪,在我里面毫...
...小的声音说:“it’s a temptation.” “这是个试探。”Now four years later God has been proved true, 现在,4年过去了,事实证明神是真的,that my dad is healthy, 我父亲身体很健康,doesn’t have cancer, 没有得癌症,and he is about ...
...tation and ended up committing the sins of adultery and murder.他就掉进试探中,犯了奸淫杀人的罪。 What a terrible truth the Bible
tells us! 圣经告诉我们一个何等可怕的事实,If
even a great man can stumble in such a way, 就算象大卫那样的伟人,若不殷勤...
...ry to put
out our lights by tempting our natural desires或许多事,来试探我们的私欲,熄灭我们的光. To win the spiritual warfare depends on what we really value要胜过这场属灵争战,取决于我们看重什么. If we value our self-esteem 我们若看重自尊 (our face面...
...How could Jesus
overcome the temptation of food耶稣怎能胜过食物的试探? Because food was not the most important thing in his life因在他的生命里,食物不是最重要的. Jesus defeated the devil by acting on those words他靠着行出这句话打败魔鬼, “Man does not live
...en he was in the wildness
to be tempted for 40 days? 当耶稣在旷野被试探40天时,撒但对祂说了什么? “If you worship me, I can make you great!” “你若拜我,我就使你为大。”
“yay, yay, I wanna be great!” 是的,我想做大people
...an, 基督向我们显明,唯有成熟长大的儿子能胜过撒旦试探荣耀神,to serve and love people humbly,
and take on the Father’s business. 能谦卑服事和爱人,承担天父的事业。
2, Being led by the
Spirit in the OT 旧约里圣灵的引导
fall into temptation of judgement and suffer loss. 使我们不受论断试探而遭受损失。The Son Christ who died on the cross for our sins. 神儿子耶稣基督为我们的罪死在十字架上。 King David prayed, 大卫王祷告说, “Yours is the kingdom, You are exalted as head ...
...come our
weaknesses, overcome temptations and Satan. 胜过软弱,胜过试探,胜过撒旦。And God’s grace
is to help us to be conformed to the likeness of His Son Christ (Romans 8:29), 神的恩典是帮助我们效法基督神儿子的模样(罗8:29),the word ‘conform&...