...nges, or persecution, or any testing of our faith comes, 以至于当遇见试探、患难、挑战、逼迫等等信心试炼中,our light won’t go out, because of
yielding ourselves to complaints, 我们的灯不至于因顺服抱怨or bitterness或苦毒, or criticism或挑剔批...
...That’s why Satan tempted Jesus by
saying, 这就是为什么撒旦试探耶稣说: “All this authority I will
give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me …” “这一切权柄、荣华我都要给你,因为这原是交付我的,我愿意给谁就...
...y else to trap us into temptation to anger或任何人来引诱我们进入试探,去生气, fret,
rage, and it may lead us to evil 烦躁不平、去愤怒,使我们作恶。James 1:19-20 Everyone should be quick to
listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does no...
he easily falls into temptation. 因为他很容易被诱惑进入试探。An
infant is unable to overcome and reign with Christ. 婴孩无法争战得胜并与基督一同执掌王权。
So we need to grow in faith.因此我们需要在信心上成长。 Jesus teaches,主耶...
...rcame temptations many times, 大卫这样做,抵挡、胜过了许多次试探,for praising or
worshiping God help us to focus 因赞美神、敬拜神使我们得以注目于神,on who He is and what
He has done, 神是谁,神做了什么,which can turn us from
the selfie focused worl...
...aw, tested him with
this question: 35 内中有一个人是律法师,要试探耶稣,就问他说:36 “Teacher, which
is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 36 “夫子,律法上的诫命,哪一条是最大的呢?” 37 Jesus
replied: “‘Love the Lord ...
...nd temptation, 神就要搭救我们,脱离邪恶、罪孽、惊惶、和试探,and everything God thinks that
we need to be rescued from. 和所有一切神认为需要拯救的。Isn’t that awesome? 棒不棒? Today we are looking at v.15-16. 今天我们来看15-16节。 P...
...ist overcome Satan’s temptation? 为什么耶稣可以胜过撒旦的试探?because he remained in the Father’s love by obeying
His word. 因为他顺服神的话就住在神的爱里What will happen when you remain in God’s love? 若你住在神的爱里会发生什么事?You...
... the Lord to be saved or to
be healed.这是邪灵在他们梦中彰显并试探拦阻他们到主前得拯救或得医治。Basically, 基本上,these things happening is because that they or
their ancestors have given Satan “legal access” to enter their lives 这些事的发生是...
...,we will have trials, 我们会有试炼、 tests, 试验、temptation, 试探and all sorts of
trouble. 和各样的烦恼。Yet, 然而,You have overcome the world. 你已经胜过了世界。Jesus, 耶稣, raise up Your people, 求你复兴你的百姓,to be strong in
the Lord! 使我们...