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...y, and were unable to have conversations with God any more. 自从亚当在试探中跌倒时,他的灵死了。人类在灵性上是死的,就不再能与神交流了。 Thanks to our God our Saviour, who died for our sins, after he had been resurrected from death, Jesus appeared to His disc...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:29  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:55%] [55%]2018-09-16 Taming the Tongue 要控制舌头
... ourselves will not fall into temptation and suffer loss就不至于落入试探受损失. 3, Tame the tongue要控制舌头James continues his teaching雅各接着说, from v.7-v.12第7-12节, it tells us that the tongue is a restless evil舌头是不止息的恶物, full of deadly poison满了害...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:35:22  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:54%] [54%]2020-02-16 Children of Light 做光明之子
...into temptation of being judgemental. 这样我们才不会陷入论断的试探。Because we were once darkness,我们从前是暗昧的,and now we are in the process of being sanctified, 现在在成圣的路上,so one of our tasks is to testify how the light (the truth) exposes darkness,我...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:41  

...把自己交给谎言,and fall to the temptation of Satan, 在撒旦的试探中跌倒,we are slaves of lies. 我们就是罪的奴仆。Unless we repent by dying to the self and follow Christ’s way, 除非我们向己死,悔改跟从基督的道路,otherwise, we expose ourselves to...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:46:54  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:54%] [54%]2019-10-06 Rest in Christ 基督里的安息
... before us. 也许前面有被拒绝、反对、压力、艰难、困苦、试探。We can be burdened by fear, shame, setbacks, disappointment, depression, or anger. 我们可能被惧怕、羞愧、后退、失望、沮丧、愤怒压垮。Jesus invites us, 于是主耶稣邀请我们说:&ldquo...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:33  

...ce might come to tempt us? 想一下,换做我们,我们会遇见怎样试探的声音? (Self-pity): “O God, why do you allow such an unfair thing to happen to me? I’m so to be pitied ! My son and I are going to die” (自怜:)“神啊,怎么这么不公平啊...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:01  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:52%] [52%]2018-01-28 The Beatitudes 6 天国八福之六
...en the devil will come to tempt you因你不知道魔鬼什么时候会来试探你, or when you will be hurt by someone else’s words or actions或你什么时候就因别人的话或行为受伤了. God also uses our circumstances神也使用我们的环境, our spouses我们的配偶, our ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:31:40  

...f Satan. 因为灰心丧气的基督徒很容易被内住的罪和撒但的试探所诱惑。But think about it,但试想一下,if you were serving the Lord overseas, 如果你在海外为神做工,if you heard that someone was fighting for you in his prayers, 如果你知道有人在恳切为...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:06  

...活搞得一团糟,he fell into the temptation of lust.他陷在情欲的试探中。He lost the presence of the power of God, 他失去了神同在的大能,and his eyes were put out and he was put into a jail, 他的眼睛被剜,下在监里(see Judges 16:21 士16:21), where he could no l...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:09  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:52%] [52%]2017-11-26 The Beatitudes 天国八福之四
... like God to judge others 只会让我们进入 如神一样断定他人的试探中. When we look at Jesus Christ当我们仰望主耶稣, who was perfectly right他完全地对, hanging on the Cross被挂在十字架上, he didn’t say他没有说, “Father, they are all wrong父啊,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:27  
