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...n of lust我曾经读过一篇文章,介绍法利赛人如何避免情欲试探. Some of them blindfolded their eyes有的法利赛人会蒙住自己的眼睛, so they only could see the ground to move slowly于是只能看到眼皮下面的地,缓缓而行, despite hitting their heads on walls...
发表于 2022-08-30 12:10:33  

...福音》第四章,after Jesus had overcome temptation, 耶稣在胜过试探之后,he began his mission. 开始了他的使命。So mission again! 再次讲到了使命!What is God trying to say to us this afternoon? 今天下午,神想对我们说什么? Let’s read v.18-25, 让...
发表于 2023-08-14 15:17:02  

...not fall into temptation. 儆醒守护我的心,并祷告,免得陷入试探。Yes Lord, in the name of Jesus I break free from unbelief. 是的,主啊,奉耶稣的名,释放我脱离不信, from doubt. 脱离疑惑,from fear, 脱离惧怕,from worry, 脱离忧虑,from judgement, ...
发表于 2024-08-12 01:17:12  

...ercoming sin and Satan’s temptation 成熟需要胜过罪和撒但的试探through tests of faith. 经过信心的考试。Last time, we identified four key elements of a kingdom: 上次我们确定了国度四要素是:a king, 王、a people, 子民、a territory, 领地and governing laws...
发表于 2024-08-25 18:54:07  

...squo;s commands and overcoming temptations我们若遵行神命令且胜过试探,在信上富足, and produce crops that multiply thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times并三十倍、六十倍、一百倍地结实, we will be able to inherit the kingdom就可以承受神的国. In the parable of ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:35:00  

...的任务是分散我们的注意力,entice us, 引诱我们,tempt us, 试探我们,so that we may become unfruitful, 让我们不能结果子,and unable to share in His kingship as a reward when He returns (Re 启 3:21). 无法得着在基督再来时同享王权的赏赐。But God wants us...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:24  

...eaknesses when we are tempted 是完全人,又是完全神,当我们被试探,他能体恤我们的软弱。What do we learn from Christ’s example of being chosen by God? 我们从基督被拣选的榜样学到什么? Psalm 139 tells us that each of us were uniquely and wonderfull...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:36  

...过了诡诈的旧人, the temptations of the world, 胜过了世界的试探, and Satan. 胜过了撒但。 And they do Jesus’ will, 他们遵行主耶稣的旨意,instead of their own will, 不行自己的意思,and they won’t just do it for a moment, 这样操练不是一...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:41  

...e tempted by the devil. 当时,耶稣被圣灵引到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。Jesus wasn’t led by the Holy Spirit into a cosy place to enjoy life, 耶稣并没有被圣灵引到一个舒适的地方去享受生活,but was led into the uncomfortable desert, 而是被引到一个让人...
发表于 2022-11-13 16:03:29  

...But he was led into the wilderness to be tempted, 他被带到旷野经历试探,yet he came out with the power of the Spirit, 却带着圣灵的能力从旷野出来, he overcame with the power of God! 他靠神的大能胜过了! Do you wanna become a person full of the Holy Spirit? 你愿...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:05:15  
