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...ore his ministry? 为什么耶稣在开始事工前被圣灵带到旷野受试探?Why did Jesus come to cast out demons and heal the sick?”为什么耶稣来到地上医病赶鬼?” Because the Kingdom of light invaded the kingdom of darkness through Jesus, 光明国度借着耶稣...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:16  

...be tempted by the devil. 讲到耶稣被圣灵引到旷野受魔鬼的试探。 And Jesus overcame in every way, 耶稣胜过了方方面面的试探,the lust of the flesh, 就是肉体的情欲,the lust of the eyes, 眼目的情欲,and the pride of life. 和今...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:10:35  

...mething other than God. 但以理书也警戒我们要抵挡敬拜别神的试探。This verse says, 这节经文说, “the people who know their God shall be strong.” “认识 神的子民必刚强。” The word “know” is “yada” in Hebrew, “...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:11:09  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:75%] [75%]2017-10-01 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (4)
...devil will set lots of traps to tempt us. 那恶者会设下很多陷阱来试探我们。Will we win? 我们会赢?Will we lose the battle? 还是会输?It depends on how much of the living word can be made alive in us? 取决于我们活出了多少神的话,Only the truth can defeat lies. ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:29:23  

..., challenges挑战, and difficulties艰难, trials and temptations试炼、试探, yet if you know your purpose但只要你明白你人生的目的 – what your call is你的呼召是什么, and are obedient to Him顺服神, you will never lose your way就不至于迷路! God will be your fai...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:36:32  

...den to be tempted, 这就是为什么祂把亚当放在伊甸园里被试探,because His intention for Adam was to overcome, 因为神对亚当的旨意本是让亚当胜过试探,so that Adam and his descendants could have exercised the authority they were given, 这样亚当和...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:13  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:74%] [74%]2018-10-28 Ask, Seek, Knock 祈求就得到
...oly Spirit都要被圣灵充满, to be tempted by the devil接受魔鬼的试探. and He defeated the devil祂胜过魔鬼. Therefore, we all need the filling of the Holy Spirit所以我们都需要被圣灵充满. What are the results of being filled圣灵充满后会怎样? A, We are able to ef...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:36:19  

... root使我们从根得着力量, to overcome temptations and trials胜过试探和试炼, so that we may yield the fruit of the Spirit, and become more like Christ就结出圣灵的果子,更多成为基督的样式.  The storm or rain Jesus mentioned that may happen in our lives生...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:36:57  

...set the example耶稣树立了榜样,before facing temptation 在面对试探之前,He was led by the Spirit into the desert 祂被圣灵引导到旷野。(Luke 路4:1). This wasn’t just temptation but a test of faith, initiated by God. 这不仅是试探,而是由神发起的信心...
发表于 2025-02-16 23:02:26  

...,His schemes include deception, 他的诡计包括欺骗、temptation, 试探and accusations against believers 和控告信徒(Re 启 12:10). 2 Cor 林后4:4 tells us, 也说,his goal is to weaken our faith, 他的目的是削弱我们的信心,cause division, 制造纷争、judgments, 论...
发表于 2024-09-17 23:21:26  
