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[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:76%] [76%]2021-02-21 Live by Faith 凭信而活(1)
...续这种生活方式. Love others instead of judging. 爱他人,而不论断人。If you judge people with your own standards, 你若以自己的标准论断他人, you’ll have no room to love them, 心里就无地容爱, rather, your room will be filled with fear. 反之会被惧...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:04:48  

...rgiving, 君王是饶恕的,but you’re judgmental.” 但你却论断他人。”  As NT believers但作为新约的信徒we can’t be ignorant我们不能无知, because the law is still at work.因律法仍在发挥作用。Our enemy is ready to bring us to the court ...
发表于 2024-08-25 18:54:07  

...compassion and judge others easily, 若你缺乏怜悯人的心,很容易论断别人,you need to raise a self-awareness, 你需要意识到,that your peace is centred around circumstances and the self not on Jesus.你的平安是建立在老自己和环境里,不是在基督上。But ther...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:14:56  

...理的痛,或拒绝使你充满恐惧、不安全感、嫉妒、骄傲、论断、自我中心的想法,and to try to gain the recognition, power, and praise of men. 并想得人的认可、权力和赞美。The spirit of Jezebel is looking for opportunities to attack both man and woman in the...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:14:42  

...s that do not show thanksgiving不说感谢的话 (gossip闲话, or judging论断, or dirty jokes黄色笑话, or accusing, or 控告condemning定罪). 5, disobedience悖逆 (no submission to God’s word or God’s authority) 对神的话或神的权柄不顺服。  Darkness and ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:59:44  

...ting talk, 说污秽的言语like telling lies, 如说谎、judging others,论断人、gossip, 闲言碎语等,bitterness, rage, etc. 苦毒,恼恨等等。They give the enemy legal right to enter, 这些事给仇敌进入的合法通道来入侵,and make big problems in our lives. 并给我...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:24  

...s bitter judgement, and emotional hurt怒气不处理,就生出苦毒的论断并情绪伤害 which opens doorways for evil spirits to torment us. 为邪灵打开合法通道来折磨我们。The bible urges us not to open doorways圣经敦促信徒不要为魔鬼打开门 o...
发表于 2024-04-28 21:32:11  

...yielded to thoughts of jealousy or judgement,无论何时她顺服嫉妒或论断 she was tortured by demons她被邪灵折磨. It very terrifying and she couldn’t sleep in the night. 很可怕,晚上不得睡觉But whenever she repented and turned to the truth,但无论何时她悔改转...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:14:39  

...为他要我们借着信真理胜过不饶恕、bitter judgement, 苦毒的论断、 feelings of fear, 害怕的感觉, or whatever by trusting in the truth. 或其他的负面情绪。 We may think these are bad things we don’t like, 我们认为这些都是我们不喜欢的坏事, but...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:13:35  

...topped going his own way of judgement and retaliation, 放下自己的论断和报复,and he put his trust in God. 单单信靠神。Then, he saw God’s reality of love, protection and justice revealed. 接着他看到了上帝真实的爱、保护和公义的彰显。Therefore...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:13  
