...意力不是老盯在人身上,以至于因为人的不好的行为,就论断人,不理人 。But
if we focus on people’s faults, we will easily
to be stumbled, because it will cause us to be alienated from God’s love, and Satan will take advantage of us. 若我们总...
...nt of their sin of passing judgement on others, 保罗警戒信徒,要为论断他人的罪悔改,or verse 5 says, 否则第5节接着说,“you’re storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s
wrath. 你为自己积蓄忿怒,以致 神震怒,显他公义审判...
The unclean misjudged the clean to
have an unclean mouth. 不洁净人论断洁净人的口不洁净。Christ didn’t open his mouth基督没有开口, he didn’t respond with anger,他没有用生气来回应,but entrusted himself to the Father
who judges justly.而是把自己交...
...ent trying to get you to give up. 仇敌用嘲讽、恐吓、惧怕、论断和灰心来让你放弃。But Nehemiah set a godly example for us, 但是尼希米为我们树立了一个敬虔的榜样,he didn’t respond to his enemies, 他没有和仇敌去吵架, rather, ...
...nded, 恼怒和被冒犯、unforgiving and
judging, 不饶恕和论断,it gave power to the invisible
kingdom of darkness to bully us. 使那看不见的黑暗国度有权势来欺压我们。
we cry out, 我们呼求,Lord
Jesus, 主耶稣, l...
...;然后去想办法报复别人,for example, judging
people. 比如论断人。Then we hit Jesus with our
words and actions, 这样我们就是用言语和行动去打耶稣,because Jesus
said, 因为耶稣说:“‘Truly, I say to you, as you
did it to on...
...he bitterness, and the judgement, 放下愤怒、羞耻感、苦毒和论断,we all fall short of Your glory, 我们都亏欠了你的荣耀,we were all broken-hearted
people…他们也是心灵破碎的人…You forgive me, 你饶恕了我,I also forgive them and accept...
...hat’s why I bitterly judge him as not good enough, 所以我就苦毒论断他不够好,coz he deserves correction and blame. 因他该被纠正,该被骂。Surely, God’s club will follow me all the days of my life if I don’t do good enough. 我的一生必有神的...
...自己欺骗, talking can be compliant说话可以变成抱怨, judgement论断, or babbling或者啰嗦重复的话. Like就像是, “Lord, today, I
did this and that主啊, 今天, 我做了这做了那, I’m so tired我很累, nobody helps me没人帮我, nobody cares for me没人关...