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... should be led by the Holy Spirit. 上个主日我们分享了为什么要圣灵引导. Today, we’ll look at how to be led by the Spirit. 今天我们来看怎样圣灵引导. Let’s read Gal 加4:1-7, What I am saying is that as long as an heir is child, he is no different from ...
发表于 2022-11-13 16:03:29  

...圣经中看到,from Jesus’ birth to his death, 从耶稣出生到钉死,rejection prevalent throughout Jesus’ life. 拒绝贯穿了耶稣的一生。His life on earth was characterized at every point by rejection. 他的人生在地上到处都是拒绝。Even when he was...
发表于 2023-05-28 21:41:39  

...dquo; The younger son was lost but is now found这小儿子失丧如今刚寻回, while the older son is now lost after serving God for many years而大儿子在服侍主多年后却迷失了. Neither of them is the ideal son of God. 大小儿子都不是神理想中的儿子,They both need ...
发表于 2024-11-24 21:38:48  

... down as soon as he was born?“为什么圣经记载耶稣一出生就追杀?Why was Jesus led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted in the wilderness before his ministry? 为什么耶稣在开始事工前圣灵带到旷野受试探?Why did Jesus come to cast out demons and heal the sick...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:12:16  

... about how they have been hurt repeatedly当他们反复述说自己怎么伤害, you can see the bitterness from their faces你就可以从他们的脸上看见苦毒. But when they forgive但当他们饶恕别人, their faces are bright他们的脸就明亮起来. Forgiveness affects our emoti...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:34:06  

Does anybody like to be rejected有没有人喜欢拒绝, insulted or persecuted人辱骂,人逼迫? And do you feel exceedingly joyful when that happens为此你会感到特别高兴欢喜吗? I believe that nobody in the natural would enjoy and rejoice at being rejected我相信,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:31:58  

...ssive.”《牛津词典》解释meekness是:安静,温柔,容易指使,顺从。Do we want a leader who is quiet and easily imposed on? 我们想要一个容易指使的领导吗?For instance, in an interview, if you want to be hired as a manager or a leader in a company, 比...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:13  

...’ means in Roman Greek culture.其次,我们要明白“我们收养成为儿子”在罗马希腊背景下是什么意思。 Thirdly, we’re to understand the necessity of going through the process of adoption to full sonship.第三,我们要明白 经收养达到完全...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:05:11  

...的命令,they soon were defiled by the culture around them. 很快就周围的环境所玷污,So they were defeated by their enemies because of idolatry, pride, sexual immorality, and all kinds of sins, 因拜偶像、拜财富、骄傲、淫乱和各样的罪他们仇敌打败了, At...
发表于 2023-03-26 18:05:10  

...Bible, 圣经中,God is called the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac. 神称为亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的神。You may think, 你可能会想:“Wow, Jacob must have been an awesome person.” “哇,雅各一定是个很不错的人。”However, 然而,Jacob was ...
发表于 2024-06-20 16:10:29  
