...了, and anyone who marries
a divorced woman commits adultery人若娶这被休的妇人,也是犯奸淫了.’ Last week we also shared that God
looks at people’s hearts 上周我们还分享了——神看人看心. Jesus pointed out that a certificate was nothing主耶稣指...
... child grows
up and is left behind…” 如果我的孩子长大被世界淘汰怎么办......"。worrying, worrying….Worrying can cause
mental, 忧虑会导致精神physical, and relational problems,身体和人际关系方面的问题,If you’re worrying and anxious,若...
weeks ago二周前,
a girl felt overwhelmed by bad luck一个女孩快要被倒霉事压垮了
because she had just accepted Jesus因她才接受主耶稣
and didn’t know God’s ways不知道神的法则,
so she reacted poorly when others scolded her所以,人骂她,她就回骂...
...起气来的东西, when they are being taken away from our hands当他们被夺走. It can be
money可能是金钱, a good job或一份好工作, a good house漂亮房子, or people’s compliments人的称赞, or pride and ego或骄傲和自我, and so on等等。 So after teaching about...
Spirit are sons of God’. 因罗马书8:14说,“因为凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。”First,首先,1, We’re called to an ongoing relationship with God and a
unified relationship with people. v.20-23我们蒙召与神建立持续的关系并且与人...
money safe that it won’t be stolen使钱财不被偷?our properties secure, our possessions secure?使房屋财产安全?God, the Maker of all,The ruler of all things. 唯有神,万物的创造者、万物的主宰才可做到。King David said, “Lord, you ha...
we must spend our time and money on our hobbies and interests, or we lose peace
and feel sorrow. Ask God to check if the hobbies and interests ha...
controls time and chance? 谁掌管时机和机会呢?It’s God. 是神。It means that it’s useless for us to run faster than God. Putting God first is wisdom.