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...、谤讟(太15:19)。Please don’t feel condemned请不要觉得定罪, the intention of our Saviour is not to cause us to feel guilty我们的救主不是要加添我们定罪感, but to give us wisdom to know how to overcome the temptation of lust in His grace而是要赐给我们...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:32:24  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:1%] [1%]2017-09-10 The Lord\'s prayer 主祷文 (1)
...elve did nothing, but denied the Lord when he had been arrested. 在耶稣捕时,除了不认主,十二门徒什么好的都没做。We did nothing but sinned against God. 我们除了得罪神,什么好的也没做。God freely grants us this glorious grace. 神却白白赐下这荣耀...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:55  

...s with others have problems as well.” 这就是为什么 你的平安偷走了,你和别人的关系破坏了。A week later, he testified as to how his peace came back after he had confessed to the Lord and stopped looking at those sorts of photos. Hallelujah! 过了一星期,他...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:26:16  

...今天我想跟大家分享一下,today I want to share with you我自己神呼召作牧师的见证。the testimony of how I was called by God to be a pastor.2008年我刚住进Jane家里,In 2008, just after I had moved into Jane's home,做了第一个从神来的梦。I had the first d...
发表于 2023-09-18 01:44:09  

...eople have become exhausted and hungry and thirsty in the wilderness.带着、褥、盆、碗、瓦器、小麦、大麦、麦面、炒谷、豆子、红豆、炒豆、29蜂蜜、奶油、绵羊、奶饼,供给大卫和跟随他的人吃;他们说:『民在旷野,必饥渴困乏了。&nbs...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:16  

...当我在祷读默想圣经时,my heart was struck hugely by it,我的心诗8触动了So today, 所以,I wanna share this message with you. 今天我想要和大家分享这一章。1, Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. 耶和...
发表于 2022-09-11 17:08:28  

...e the home church is held for 3 years now.到现在,我父母住在我们教会使用的家里已有三年多了。 Jesus doesn’t say that the church is like a family, 耶稣不是说,教会就像一个家,or that we are like a family. 或者我们就像一家人。But we are family...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:57  

...心Act徒 1:1-3, Jesus suffered, died, and was resurrected. 耶稣受苦,钉十字架,复活了. Now before Jesus’ Ascension, v.3 says在耶稣升天前,第3节说 Jesus appeared to them (His disciples) over a period of forty days. 耶稣在四十天里向门徒活活的显现。What...
发表于 2024-07-21 17:06:37  

...都要以为大喜乐。 When you feel rejected or persecuted, 当你感到拒绝或受迫害时,do you naturally feel joy? 你会自然地感到喜乐吗?No. 不会。That’s not a natural reaction! 这不是自然而然的反应!Without wisdom, 没有智慧,we often react with ange...
发表于 2025-02-23 22:07:31  

...quo;t really seek to be sanctified by the truth 他们并没有真正寻求真理洁净and practice righteousness和操练行义,just as the Lord was righteous.如同主是义的一样。Do we have the same problem? 我们有同样的问题吗?Resurrection is a basic doctrine of the gospel. ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:26  
