it says “whenever” the living creatures give glory,
honor and thanks to God, the twenty-four elders worship Him with praise, honor
and thanks as well! 看,这里说“每逢...
..., 他是巴比伦国王,and also called the
king of kings on the earth. 被称为王中王。from c. 605 BC – c. 562 BC公元前605-562年在位, the longest reign of any king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire .是新兴巴比伦帝国在位最久的王。With all his great wealth and manpowe,...
...and runny noses during the prayer I led him to,在领他 祷告时我们都被主爱感动得眼泪鼻涕,and he was set free from the feeling of unforgiveness which
he couldn’t
get rid of it before. 他也从不饶恕感里被释放,这是他从前饶恕不了的。The presence of God&r...
...by rejection, shame and fear. 她在山上崇拜上帝,但她的心仍然被拒绝、羞愧和恐惧所束缚。But Jesus’ words were like living water that touched the woman’s
heart which was like a desert and the parched land. 耶稣的话就像活水,触动了这女人的心,...
...他的国挑出来. They
will be thrown into the blazing furnace他们要被丢在火炉里,
where there
will be weeping and gnashing of teeth在那里必要哀哭切齿了.
Last of all最后, the
righteous will
be rewarded.义人要被赏赐。When will it
happen? 这些事要什么时候发...
...by the Spirit into desert to be tempted by the devil
(see Matt 4:1) 耶稣被圣灵引导到旷野受试探. And He definitely
showed his faith to the Father and to the world他向天父和这个世界彰显绝对的信心, by obeying the will of the Father借着遵行天父的旨意, even to the ...
...m who
called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 惟有你们是被拣选的族类,是有君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。God called Israel His Kingdom of priests in the Old
Testament. 神...
...ow could our body be burned to save others without love? 我救人,自己被烧了,还不是爱?No, non-believers also can do
it. 不是爱,不信的都可以。What is the love
the bible is talking about? 那圣经说的 爱是什么? 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not e...
...then get unclean hearts; 远远胜于我们单在外面服事,心却被污秽了; He
wants a close relationship with us; 祂想要与我们建立亲密的关系; He
wants us to know His will 祂愿意我们知道祂的旨意and make it
our priority成为我们的首...
...cause he has merit 或因他有优点,and is worthy to be rescued, 配得被拯救,so that I
will deliver him. 所以我要搭救他。” Rather, God is
saying, 但神却这样说,“though he will stumble, 虽然他会跌倒,he is imperfect, 他也不完全, and he has no merit...