...人必先复活。17以后我们这活着还存留的人必和他们一同被提到云里,在空中与主相遇。这样,我们就要和主永远同在。The message is very clear, 这段经文讲得很清楚,that
those who have fallen asleep will be raised prior to the ones who are stil...
... Spirit从我们因圣灵内驻而重生开始, we are put into a battle就被放进一场争战中, where we are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit 神吩咐我们要被圣灵充满 (see Eph 5:18,弗5:18), Even the Son of
God who has no sin甚至耶稣身为神儿子,没有罪, befo...
...we may be renewed to follow Jesus
more closely,我们期望,借此可以被更新,更紧密地跟随耶稣,by practicing
serving others, or seeking good for others, or giving our money away, or
whatever God calls us to do in this season. 去操练服侍他人,求他人的益处,奉献...
...r adopted by a King who wants to train him to be a prince,
有一个乞丐被国王收养,想要训练他成为王子,what happens if
the beggar continues to beg, rather than acting like a prince? 如乞丐要继续去乞讨不像个王子, 会怎样?Will he be qualified as a king,他是否...
...。Those who were invited to the wedding feast had to prepare themselves. 被请去婚姻的宾客也要预备自己可以赴宴。In the parable, 在这个比喻里,Because of a long unexpected delay由于耽延许久, half of the virgins don’t get themselves
ready with enough oil, when ...
... “经过试炼”这个词很关键, It means tested, 意味着被测试、refined, 被提炼、proven to be real. 被证明是真的。 It’s the same word used to describe refining metals它是提炼金属的词汇—like gold being purified in fire. ——就像金子...
...丽晔姊妹的见证,我们已经分享了两堂“蒙福或再次被掳”的主题信息。Today, we’ll continue to look at the purpose of blessing. 今天,我们将继续看蒙福的目的。Luke 13: 6-9, 路加福音 13:6 Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree ...
...Do not judge, or you too will be judged你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断. 2 For in the same way you judge others因为你们怎样论断人, you will be judged也必怎样被论断,
and with the measure you use你们用什么量器量给人, it will be measured
to you也必用什么量...
...犯了罪, and the sinful nature can’t be
reformed, 罪性不能被改好, we need to die, 我们只有死, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. 若不流血,罪就不得赦免。 But Jesus died for our sins, 但耶稣为我们的罪流血舍命, and we
...uted by King Saul in the desert for more than
10 years, 在旷野中被扫罗王追杀逼迫十多年,but his personal relationship with God brought him to a high
spiritual realm where he overcame through the goodness and love of God. 但他与神的个人关系把他带到了一个极高...