...r produces
bitter judgement, and emotional hurt怒气不处理,就生出苦毒的论断并情绪伤害 which opens
doorways for evil spirits to torment us. 为邪灵打开合法通道来折磨我们。The
bible urges us not to open doorways圣经敦促信徒不要为魔鬼打开...
...down. 家庭破碎,People were filled with bitterness, 人们心里充满苦毒、rejection, 被拒绝伤害、and fear. 和惧怕,And there was a drought for years. 又发生多年的干旱。Why did God allow them to suffer? 为什么神允许以色列人受苦?Because the Kingdom of God is ...
... pray to crucify our
own bitter judgements onto the cross, 把不饶恕和苦毒的判断钉上十字架,and
leave room for God to judge, 交给神来审判, we will be
effectively free from the bondage of our pride and manipulation and fear. 行这道会使我们从骄傲、操纵和惧怕...
... bitterness, or other fruit of the flesh, 而不是结出抱怨、指责、苦毒的果子,或从肉体里出来的其他果子。 In Gal 6:8
tells us,
加拉太书6:8 告诉我们,“Whoever sows
to please
their flesh,
from the flesh will reap destruction;
whoever sows
to plea...
...他人,we will be freed from
bitterness, grumpiness and hatred.就会从苦毒、抱怨、仇恨中得释放。 And also而且, we will be able to live in joy, peace and love.
Now Let us pray: 让我们一起祷告
Thank You Lord Jesus
...,that’s why I bitterly judge him as not good enough, 所以我就苦毒论断他不够好,coz he deserves correction and blame. 因他该被纠正,该被骂。Surely, God’s club will follow me all the days of my life if I don’t do good enough. 我的一生必有神...
...ivity, 我们会像他一样变得负面、
fear, 惧怕、
苦毒、anger, 愤怒、and fits of rage
like him, 像他那样时常发怒,the
devil wins魔鬼就胜过了我们。But God is a
strategic God. 但我们的神是有谋略的神。His
name is Jehovah Nissi 他的名是...
bitterness, and no slander, 没有苦毒,没有诽谤, no feeling hurt
and repaying evil for evil.没有受伤的情绪,让他以恶报恶. If we boast
of some knowledge that we have acquired, 如果我们因自己得到的知识自夸,but we still p...
...ave to him, 走到哪里都有敌人围绕他,但他从不受伤,毫无苦毒,对神给他的人从未失去盼望;because he didn’t put himself first, but
died to himself, his way is “Not my will, but Yours.”
...公正的论断、 bitterness, or lies that have kept me in
fear. 苦毒或谎言的坚固营垒。Show me if there is anyone I have not
forgiven显明我是否有不饶恕的人—any foothold I
have given the enemy --我给仇敌留的地步, that has weakened
my faith削弱了我...