...can see the bitterness from their faces你就可以从他们的脸上看见苦毒. But when they forgive但当他们饶恕别人, their faces are bright他们的脸就明亮起来. Forgiveness affects our emotional heath饶恕带来情绪健康, mental health精神健康, psychological
...nforgiveness or whatever after a
prayer, 当祷告后你从某种程度的苦毒或不饶恕或其他方面得到释放时,you’re filled with
the peace and joy of God. 你会充满喜乐和平安,You’ve gotta be
aware 但你当意识到,that the enemy is
actively looking for wa...
...们成为神儿子的性情。Emotions like
blame, 像指摘,bitterness,苦毒, criticism, 论断,envy, 妒忌,and jealousy,嫉妒 etc. 等等。When Adam
betrayed God
and lost his connection to the Father, 当亚当悖逆天父丧掉了与父神连结的关系时,when
God asked
produce heavy burdens for you. 会让你被重担压制。Bitterness, 苦毒、judgement,
论断、hatred, 仇恨、
resentment, 怨恨、
quarrelling 争吵will
follow up the unresolved anger. 会随着你未处理的恼怒全来了!Why do people judge quite often? 为什么人常常论...
..., bitterness, and unforgiveness, 心里若充满惧怕、嫉妒、自义、苦毒、不饶恕,how
can the person speak good words? 嘴里还能说出什么好话呢?The heart really matters in God’s
eyes. 在神的眼里我们的心思意念才是关键。 The first commandme...
A bitter heart creates
an uncontrolled tongue,苦毒的心使舌头不受控制,which destroys unity
and ruins our own lives. 舌头破坏合一,破坏我们自己的生活。So v.11 tells
us, 因此11节说,we must turn from
evil and do good; we must seek peace a...
...he heart which
results in bitterness. 羞耻感让她心里痛苦,滋生苦毒。When you’re
bitter, 当人们心中充满苦毒时,you complain, 就总是抱怨:“where is God? “神在哪里?Why does God allow
it to happen 为什么神让这样的事情发生…&hel...
...rness, judgement, and complaints as the enemy wants you to? 比如忧虑、苦毒、论断和抱怨 正如仇敌要你做的? Or do you believe in God’s salvation and thank God for His good will for you ? 还是你相信神的救恩、感谢神在你身上有美好的旨意?and you also than...
...冒犯了。Then, 于是,we react it by bitter judgement, 我们就生出苦毒的论断,blame people, 怪责他人,“They’re bad.” “他们是坏人。”Or we blame God, 或者责怪神,“Why does God allow this to happen?” “你为什么让这事...
...unbelief, 不信disobedience,悖逆unforgiveness不饶恕、bitterness,
苦毒、jealousy嫉妒、 trusting
in ourselves,信自己、 sexual sin, 淫乱、etc等等grieves
the Holy Spirit. 都会使圣灵担忧。 If you grieve the Holy Spirit, 若你叫圣灵担忧,you can’t have a goo...