...And if you take offence
and you get bitter, 你若因此受伤害、生出苦毒,and if you give
in to fear, 你若因此惧怕,you’ll lose the
battle. 你就失败了。So we’re gonna
pay the price to root ourselves in God’s truth and love, 因此我们当付代价扎根...
...我们的造物主,因此我们就成为那恶者想要的样子,充满苦毒和不饶恕,无感恩和无恩慈。So How do
we share in our Lord’s victory? pay the price of offering a royal spiritual
sacrifice of praise to Him, whether we are in good times or bad times in our
own sigh...
...bsp;换句话说,fear produces
bitter and anxious criticism.惧怕导致苦毒和忧虑的论断。 B, Fear causes us to take no risk for God’s call (v25). B, 惧怕导致我们不肯为神的呼召冒险(25节)。 So I was
afraid and went out and hid your talent in the...