...s self-pity,
sensing being rejected and any the enemy’s lies. 诸如自怜、被拒绝感和其他仇敌的谎言……之中松脱出来。And when we praise and
give thanks to God for how awesome and great God He is, 当我们为神的威严伟大、and How He is mindful
of us, ...
...ation is out of my control, 若环境不受我控制I feel self-pity,我就自怜 ‘God, you don’t
love me’神不爱我…I blame God我责怪神…blame others责怪人…” Controlling gives
you a false sense of peace. 控制给了你一种虚假的和平。 ...
...的身份,惧怕和羞耻感,焦虑和担心,沮丧和自我拒绝,自怜,骄傲,等等,所有不属神的情绪就都来了,这些足以摧毁我们与人、与神的关系。Whose voice
should we listen to? Only one voice that can keep us from the pain of sins!
That is our creato...
...睹了很多伤心的人,who were full of self-pity,他们心中 充满自怜, and always considered themselves as
victims 总觉得自己是受害者,because believed that they had been wronged and mistreated,因为觉得自己被冤枉了、被恶待了,unfortunately, 不幸的是,because...
...務要抵擋魔鬼,魔鬼就必離開你們逃跑了。務要在主面前自卑,主就必叫你們升高。Do you wanna
live a victorious life
in Christ?
你想在基督里过得胜的生活吗?Here is the
key, 关键在这里,spiritual warfare won’t
be won over by your aggressive...
...ister got into emotional turmoil due to self-pity, 姊妹因为陷入自悲自怜的情绪,and she took a
pill box in front of him. 在他面前拿了放安眠药的盒子。 He grabbed the box coz he was afraid that she would take
all the pills and die. 他抢过盒子,因他怕她会把所...
...e time.” This is
what we were made for. 1 Peter 5:6. 所以你们要自卑,服在神的大能的手下,到了时候,他必叫你们升高。彼前 5:6 。This is what we were made for. 这是我们被造的目的。Are you willing to respond to His love? 你愿意回应祂的爱吗?...
...是谁啊?Pride, comparison,
and inferiority…骄傲,比较,自卑…He will continue to knock, who is there? 他继续敲,是谁啊fear,
unforgiveness, and rejection. 惧怕
被拒绝。Who is there? 又是谁啊?Anger, disappointment judgement…lust&hellip...
...e fruit of darkness – sin然后罪的果子, pride骄傲, inferiority自卑, jealousy嫉妒, disobedience悖逆, lies谎言, and death try to rule in us, 还有死亡就会掌控我们so that we’re not free to do what we want from the heart. 以至于我们行不出心里愿意行的。&...
... called by my name这称为我名下的子民, will humble themselves若是自卑, and pray and seek
my face祷告,寻求我的面, and turn from their
wicked ways转离他们的恶行, I will hear
from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land我必从天上垂听,赦免他们...