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...放。But later on, 但后来,because they yielded to the flesh因体贴肉体 and ignored the truth, 轻忽真理 ,and the issue returned. 问题又回来了。Coz the enemy won’t stop using lies and deception to tempt us away from God’s will. 因为敌人不停地用谎言和迷...
发表于 2024-09-17 23:21:26  

... involves denying the desires of the flesh医治心灵的过程需要否定肉体的私欲,and being led by the Holy Spirit.并被圣灵的引导。3, The practice of guard the heart操练保守你的心The bible doesn’t hide the apostle Peter’s faults. 圣经没有隐瞒彼得的过...
发表于 2024-05-27 12:49:40  

...rather than to live according with the desires of the flesh. 不再随从肉体的私欲行事。“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Pas 119:105.” “你的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。”(诗119:105)God’s Word is the light. 神的话...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:15  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:54%] [54%]2020-02-09 Light to the World 世界的光
...gives life, the flesh counts for nothing” 叫人活着的乃是灵,肉体是无益的。 The perfect and united relationship between the Son, the Spirit, and the Father ensures Jesus Christ is the light of the world. 子和圣灵、与父完全合一的关系,使耶稣基督成为...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:35  

...sh counts for nothing.”主耶稣说,“叫人活的乃是灵,肉体是无益的。”Last Thursday, a sister testified on Zoom that last year her daughter was in the ICU with a failing lung. 上周四,一位姐妹在Zoom上作见证,说去年她女儿因肺衰竭住进了ICU...
发表于 2024-09-08 16:37:54  

...里。 Think about this, through our physical ancestors, 从我们的肉体祖先,we all inherited pride, 我们都继承了骄傲,disobedience, 悖逆,idolatry, 拜偶像,sins, 罪恶,and generational curses以及累代的咒诅,curses like poverty, 如贫穷continuing financial ...
发表于 2023-05-21 17:36:31  

...yet in my flesh I will see God. 我这皮肉灭绝之后,  我必在肉体之外得见 神。I myself will see him with my own eyes, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! 我自己要见他, 亲眼要看他,并不像外人。 我的心肠在我里面消灭了!Job 19:25-27.&...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:23  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:54%] [54%]2019-06-16 Unity in Christ 基督里的合一
...合一是来自圣灵的合一,not from agreement in the flesh. 不是肉体的意见统一。Unity can be bad when the ungodly act in opposition to God, 合一可以是坏事 若全体同心抵挡神,like the group who followed Korah and united to rebel against God’s authority. 就像...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:46:58  

...weak in the flesh like me. 你赦免了我,我也饶恕所有像我一样肉体软弱的人。Fire of the Holy Spirit come upon me! 愿圣灵的火降在我身上!set me free from fear, 求你使我从恐惧中释放出来,fear of lack of money, 从怕没钱的恐惧中释放出来,fear of ...
发表于 2023-08-14 15:17:02  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:53%] [53%]2018-09-23 Don’t Judge 不要论断人
...断, because they understand the weakness of the flesh因他们真知道肉体是软弱的. We also can see this from Paul the apostle使徒保罗就是如此, when he became a spiritual father to many作为许多人的属灵父亲, he wrote this to Timothy他在给提摩太信中,这样说, &l...
发表于 2022-05-26 11:53:57  
