...sp;he overcame the desires of the flesh and his enemy. 他就胜过了肉体私欲 也胜过了仇敌。 10 days later, 十天之后, God struck Nabal and he died. 神击打拿八,他就死了。God gave All Nabal’s possessions to David, including Ab...
...nd sins不顺服和罪! Sin works through the desires of the flesh罪借着肉体私欲作工. When Jesus was led by the Spirit
to the desert to be tempted by the devil耶稣被圣灵引到旷野,被魔鬼试探, the bible says, that Jesus ate nothing经上说,耶稣没有吃东西. This implie...
...l death. 因为属灵的死亡仍然会临到一个基督徒,若他体贴肉体,圣经说,体贴肉体就是死, 就是指灵的死,与神隔绝。That’s
why some Christians when they were born again, they had a wonderful honeymoon
period with the living God, and they experienced God...
...lesh is inadequate我们的主面对法利赛人,告诉他们靠他们的肉体遵守律法而得来的义是不够的. Because God looks at people’s hearts因为神看的是人的心!Holding unresolved
anger is as bad as murder in God’s eyes怀着恨人的怒气在上帝眼中跟...
...e stumble and fall into the sinful
nature我们无论什么时候跌倒在肉体里, in faith we
come to the Lord借着信都可来到主面前, and we ask for
forgiveness求赦免, He will forgive our
sins and purify us from all of our unrighteousness祂必赦免我们的罪,洗净我们所...
...处, so that we may yield fruit of the flesh of complaint
or fear就结出肉体的果子,如惧怕, rejection or self-pity被拒绝或自怜, being judgemental
or jealousy论断或嫉妒, or hatred, or even committing sexual sins or
other sins仇恨或自杀,或其他罪. But if w...
...’s impossible
to tame the tongue by our sinful nature就是说,在肉体里控制舌头是无望的, “no man can tame the tongue惟独舌头没有人能制伏”, but we now have new life in Christ但在基督里我们有新的生命, Jesus came to redeem us by His grace in sheddi...
...art of stone from your flesh and give you a
heart of flesh.又从你们的肉体中除掉石心,赐给你们肉心。 Does that mean that
God will do all things for us so that we don’t have to do anything? 这意味着神会做,所以我们什么都不需要做?Of course not. 当然不...
that in our flesh we are incapable of unconditional love! 但祂知道肉体里没有无条件的爱!Our
love and giving can turn to bitterness, 我们的爱和付出,若得不着回报,就会变成苦毒、blaming,
责怪、unforgiveness and hurt when we aren’t
repaid for it. ...
...s to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.) 心中安静是肉体的生命;嫉妒是骨中的朽烂。(箴言 14:30) It
says that what we can do for health is to make our hearts at peace with God.这里说我们若想健康,就要与神和睦。But we are human,但我们不过...