...点点钱的诱惑,or a small desire of the flesh. 或是一点点肉体的私欲。That can entice us to bow down before Satan to sin against
God. 它却能引诱我们向撒但俯伏、得罪神。The peace and the promise of blessing
and inheritance Jesus gave us 耶稣所给...
...at is of the lust of the flesh, (告诉神 有些事你去顺服是属肉体的情欲、 the lust of the eyes, 眼目的情欲、and the pride of the life…. 今生的骄傲的…that
you wanna give it up today今天你愿意弃绝它, in exchange for
more of the Kin...
the cross with Him, 让我们快快地听从祂的话,将谎言和肉体的无约束的行为与主同钉十字架,so
that we can prosper when we walk in His Kingdom.让我们在神的国度里可以通达。
Romans 9:33 As it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that
causes men t...
...orshipping idols
and what your flesh likes. 他们骗你拜偶像、拜你肉体喜欢的东西。Last Sunday, 上周主日,Sister V’s mum
was healed by the power of God from back pain, arm pain and the pain in her
body, V姐妹妈妈的背痛、手臂痛、周身痛因神的大能得医...
...nd I confessed that we would react similarly in the flesh并承认我们在肉体中都会作类似的反应, but Jesus died on the cross for us但耶稣在十字架上为我们舍命, mercy filled my heart,怜悯充满了我的心 I blessed those who hurt me in love我在爱中祝福了...
...我们的环境中苦恼呻吟,不能恳切求告耶稣的名;我们的肉体就会出来,象马大一样想要阻挡主的工作,因为我们的眼睛看到的全是难处。God is
merciful, whose love never fails. The
way He showed His miracle to Martha and Mary, He also will show ...