...d the rock. 你的头撞石头You hit the stone with
your head你用头,自己的方式和基督相撞 which meant you clashed
with Jesus in your own way”她问我是否内心在悖逆神She asked me whether
my heart was rebelling against God. 我说最近是有悖逆神I said that I had ...
...天我不讲道,Today, I won’t preach,和大家分享一些我自己的经历和见证,but will share with you some of my own experiences
and testimonies.圣经说,The Bible says,圣灵来是为耶稣作见证的,the Holy Spirit is here to witness for Jesus,我们也是为耶...
...way of following Jesus was God’s way or his own way.
word is true! He never lies, 神的话是真实的!祂从不说谎,“whoever follows Jesus
will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of l...
...,人们为谋求更好的生活, they
leave their families behind,离开自己的家人。But God never created family for separation or estrangement. 但神创造家庭绝不是为了分离和疏远。God wants to mend the messes in the world, and give people hope to live. 神要翻转这些困...
...crucify your own standards on the cross every single day? 你为认出自己的标准,并将它们钉十字架每天都祷告了吗So that you can be set free from anger?以至于你可以从发怒中得释放? Practicing ongoing forgiveness is crucial to the process of spiritual growt...
...quo;t call us
to do anything on our own, 耶稣召我们不是要我们靠自己行,but calls us
into partnership. 而是召我们与神同工。Even if we pray, 即便我们祷告,we are called to pray in partnership with the truth
and the Holy Spirit. 我们被呼召与真理和圣灵同工...
...taking any pride in my own ability. 因为这样,反而就阻挡了我走自己的路、靠不了自己的经验, 也就不能因自己的能力而自高了。God’s way is not our way, sometimes we can’t understand and we suffer, as our understanding of knowing the
infinite God is s...
...们认出当行的道路。如果我们持守在神的道中,就是离弃自己的道路,持守在祂里面,我们就可以结出圣灵的果子。Today, we
are gonna to read Matt 4:1-10 今天,我们来读一读马太福音4 章1-11 节。Traditional exegesis gives us
three points about t...
...wisdom or understanding
we can’t recognise Jesus, 就是当我们靠自己的智慧或聪明,我们认不出耶稣,for it is a gift of grace from God. 因为认出耶稣是神赐的恩典。As a result, no one should boast of himself, 因此,人不可夸自己,or pass judgement onto o...
...没有过这样的经历?That you thought you were
hungry就是你以为自己很饿, so you filled your stomach with
lots of food于是就去吃, but you still felt hungry可吃饱了还是感到饿? Yes, I have我有过. I thought I was hungry我以为自己很饿, but after eating
food, I st...