themselves.那些想法要害但以理和他朋友的人却害了他们自己。Our God is a just Repayer 神是公义伸冤者。He said, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath,
for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” Roma...
...face it. 你需要寻求神并面对它。For my own example, 我自己的例子,when our daughter was 12 years old, 我女儿12岁时,her teacher rang me 她的老师打电话给我,and complained that she couldn’t concentrate during
class, 投诉她上课注...
...上与祂同掌王权,you’ve gotta prepare yourself, 就当预备自己,to become meek
like Him. 像基督那样柔和谦卑。It’s talking about the importance of life transformation. 这是在说生命更新改变是何等重要,It’s talking about
engaging in leadership o...
...s commands, 你就因此被拦阻不祷告了,不再在祷告里去否定自己,而遵守上帝的命令了,and begin to complain,
并且开始抱怨,and can’t stop
counting other’s faults, 并且不停的数算他人的过错,even though you know
that you do not wrestle aga...
...t我们若在暗中祷告, not to please
ourselves or men but God不为讨自己和人的喜欢,而是讨神喜欢, we will be rewarded by the Father父必报答我们. But what do we pray in secret that can be rewarded那么,我们在暗中祷告些什么,可得天父的报答呢? Can we rec...
... vain for Nabal to greedily hold onto his possessions. 拿八死抠住自己的财产是无用的, It’s in vain for us to store treasures on earth like Nabal. 我们像拿八一样在地上积聚钱财也是无益的。Jesus says, 主耶稣说, “Watch out! Be...
... it proclaims itself
to be God. 一个亵渎神的名字意味着它宣称自己是上帝。 We see this in the books of the four gospels, 在四福音中可以看到,when Jesus Christ claimed himself
as equal as God who forgave sins, 当耶稣基督声称自己和赦免罪的神同...
...have disappointed because of our wrong focus; 我们要悔改并饶恕自己,也饶恕那些使我们失望的人,那是因为我们自己放错了焦聚;we can ask God to empower and supply us with the resources 我们可祷告求神赐给我们所需的一切资源,we need to acc...