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...t.弗2:8-9:你们得救是本乎恩,也因着信;这并不是出于自己,乃是 神所赐的; 也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。The truth never says that someone was saved because he did better work than you did. 真理从未说——有人得救是因为他比你...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:03  

...半句)。We cannot fully protect ourselves我们不能完全的保护自己, and insurance is limited.保险也有限,Only God's protection is unlimited and eternal唯有神的保护是无限和永恒。He also promises to revive us when we are discouraged or weak. 祂也应许要从灰心...
发表于 2025-02-02 23:15:12  

...崇拜聚会的开始,Must be initiated by the Lord! 必须要主耶稣自己来发起!A new vision? 一个新的异像?Must be given by our Lord Jesus! 必须要从主耶稣而来!Because He is the sovereign God! 因为祂是掌管万有的 主!Then a question comes up:这样,问...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:24:35  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:1%] [1%]2019-04-14 Entering Jerusalem 光荣进圣城
...hat he humbled himself before the Father, 显明他怎样在父面前谦卑自己,and His people by becoming the lowly Servant of all, 也在祂的子民面前谦卑自己,成为众人的仆人,and making himself nothing, 他倒空自己,to be obedient to the Father’s will, 存心顺...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:59  

...e then admitted he had sinned at a bar with Westerners. 然后,他承认自己在一个有西方人的酒吧里犯了罪。 Would evil spirits from the west go into a Chinese 难道西方人的邪灵会跑到中国人的身体里,so that the Holy Spirit could command them to go out in English...
发表于 2024-09-17 23:21:26  

...造万物的王。Then, God created the people in His image. 并且神照自己的形象造人。In在 Gen 创1:26-27, God appointed Adam and Eve to oversee creation in His Kingdom on earth. 神指派亚当夏娃照看祂地上国度中一切祂所造的。And God set laws in His Kingdom on earth...
发表于 2024-08-12 01:17:12  

...? Why should I hurt myself to love the people who hurt me为啥要伤害自己去爱那害自己的人?” Because God loves you因神爱你, not only does He want to forgive your sins祂不但想要赦免你的罪, but also He wants to transform your brokenness into His perfection还想把...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:05  

..., and getting ourselves ready to enter the Kingdom of heaven为要预备自己进入神的国, when Jesus returns and brings His political Kingdom onto the earth当耶稣再次降临并带下祂的实体政权, and those who do the will of the Father will reign with Christ for the thousand years ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:36:57  
