...lf has left us an example of being a man of prayer. 因为我们的主自己给我们留下了一个榜样,如何作一个祷告的人。We’re commanded to pray earnestly and continuously. 神命令我们要恒切不住地祷告。Why should we pray? 为什么要祷告?1, Je...
... to their own
ways of doing life afterwards. 受洗后人又回到了自己的老路。In
the bible, 在圣经中,God calls us to be led by the Holy
Spirit, 神呼召我们要被圣灵引导,not by the flesh, 不要被肉体引导,so that we can become like the Son to in...
...years, 想想看,有10年之久,Jacob lived his own life雅各过着靠自己的日子 until bad things happened.直到坏事发生了。 Have you ever felt stuck without God’s guidance? 你是否也曾经历那样的日子?Jacob’s
daughter was raped in Shechem, 在示剑,雅各...
Have you ever wondered, 你有没有想过,“why does Matthew link
Jesus with Abraham and David? 为什么马太把耶稣与亚伯拉罕和大卫联系在一起?Why
is the gen...
...unable to taste the full covenantal blessings God promises in Christ.但你自己却无法品尝到神在基督里所应许我们的全部的祝福。What a shame! 那是何等遗憾的事啊!Roman 1:17 says, a righteousness that
is by faith from first to last…“The righteous will liv...
and property for the Great Commission, 但当他愿意为大使命放下自己的事业和财产时,he experienced
more of the reality of God’s healing and salvation for himself and for others. 他更多地经历了神对自己和他人的医治和拯救。“Therefore” means &...
...Have you ever asked this question to yourself - 你们有没有问过自己这样一个问题——“how can I come
out of the pandemic “我怎样才能走出疫情后,not just surviving but overcoming?” 不单是幸存,而是可以得胜?” That was wh...
...per than the one I tried to buy. 因为神引导我去买一个电器比我自己想买的那个便宜了4倍God was there神在那里, If God is with us, 如果神与我们同在,how can we not shout for joy? 我们怎能不喜乐欢呼呢?Let’s look at today’s message让我们...