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...y fully trust in Him by giving up our own rights for Him好让我们交出自己的权力,完全信靠祂. Let read the Lord’s prayer我们来读主祷文, Matt 6:9-13(太6:9-13). 1, What are Jesus’ priorities for us to pray主耶稣教的祷告的顺序是什么? First of all, ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:58  

(Job 伯22:21-30) Do you know who you are? 知道自己是谁吗?“You’re the light of the world!”“你们是世上的光!”That’s our identity in Christ. 这是我们在基督里的身份。Do you know what the enemy scheme is?大家知道仇敌的...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:09  

...么让我们跌倒, “see people with your own eyes, “用你自己的眼睛看人,see your spouses, 用你自己的眼睛看你的配偶,your children, 看你孩子,your parents, 看父母, your fathers (or mothers) in law, 看公婆岳父母, and the people around you wit...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:57  

...预备的法则,to be qualified as heirs to inherit what Jesus has 使自己有资格继承耶稣所拥有的– the power and the authority to rule with Him on earth in His Kingdom. ——在他的国度里与他一起管理全地的权柄能力。In other words, 换句话说,He&r...
发表于 2024-02-11 17:37:15  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:1%] [1%]2023-03-12 Gratitude (2)
...nted 但却以为理所当然,and sought a better life for themselves 为自己追求更好的生活without serving God’s church and obeying His commands. 既不服事教会,也不遵行祂的命令。Then later on, 过不多久,their relationship with God and people deteriorated, 他...
发表于 2023-03-12 17:57:49  

...了,fear causes a person to focus on himself,  惧怕使人关注自己,“I don’t know what to do? how to do it? 我不知道要做什么?怎么做?I don’t want to be blamed if I do it wrong我不想因做不好被人说“no I don’t it’s not me不,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:14  

...lf has left us an example of being a man of prayer. 因为我们的主自己给我们留下了一个榜样,如何作一个祷告的人。We’re commanded to pray earnestly and continuously. 神命令我们要恒切不住地祷告。Why should we pray? 为什么要祷告?1, Je...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:37  

... to their own ways of doing life afterwards. 受洗后人又回到了自己路。In the bible, 在圣经中,God calls us to be led by the Holy Spirit, 神呼召我们要被圣灵引导,not by the flesh, 不要被肉体引导,so that we can become like the Son to in...
发表于 2022-10-30 17:38:21  

...死了,照样,在基督里众人也都要复活。23但各人是按着自己的次序复活,初熟的果子是基督,以后在他来的时候,是那些属基督的。24再后,末期到了,那时基督既将一切执政的、掌权的、有能的都毁灭了,就把国交与父 神...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:09:10  

...years, 想想看,有10年之久,Jacob lived his own life雅各过着靠自己的日子 until bad things happened.直到坏事发生了。 Have you ever felt stuck without God’s guidance? 你是否也曾经历那样的日子?Jacob’s daughter was raped in Shechem, 在示剑,雅各...
发表于 2024-06-20 16:10:29  
