...ngdom must have its own citizens and its
own Law. 一个国度必当有属自己的公民和自己的法律。So
Satan is the king of his kingdom. 所以撒但就是牠国度的王。 Demons are his servants. 魔鬼是牠的仆役。The unbelievers in this world are his
citizens, 这世上不信...
...完全的神。So, the Holy Spirit is God Himself. 因此,圣灵就是神自己。The Holy Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for
nothing. 圣灵赐生命;肉体是无益的。(John 约6:63). The Holy Spirit transforms us into Christ’s
likeness. 圣灵使我们转变像基督。The fles...
...梅珥一量,多收的也没有余,少收的也没有缺,各人按着自己的饭量收取。 After we
have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Heavenly Father, 我们接受耶稣成为我们的天父后,we now are going on the way of knowing our F...
... Pro 28:13(箴28:13), he who conceals his sins does not prosper遮掩自己罪过的,必不亨通, but whoever
confesses and renounces them finds mercy承认并离弃罪过的,必蒙怜恤.2, Prayer is to keep on asking, seeking, and knocking祷告是持续的祈求、寻找、叩门.What...
...It is never wrong to pray for
healing, either for ourselves or others. 为自己或他人祈求病得医治没有问题。But
healing doesn’t always occur, 但是不一定能得着,even to the NT biblical
figures, 甚至对新约圣经中的人物也是一样,Paul wasn’t healed fr...
...巨人,and they felt themselves to
be like grasshoppers. 祂们就觉得自己像蚱蜢一样渺小。Immediately they responded
with three actions: 祂们立即做出了三种反应:Firstly, they cried
bitterly (v.1). 首先,祂们哀哭(第1节).
They felt they were like orphans, 祂...
...turned a bad thing into a
good thing. 上周,我们分享了Rachel发现自己的包不见了之后,开始操练向神感恩,于是她的情绪没有滑落到抱怨和其他负面情绪里去,神把一件坏事变成了好事。When I said
this, some people asked me: “A good thing? D...
... doing ‘good’ works in the flesh.不是回到律法主义,靠自己做善事。 So here Paul the apostle began to use the idea of being an heir to make his point clear to the Galatian believers. 所以在这里,使徒保罗开始用继承人的说法来向加拉太信徒阐明他的...
...er and the self-denial series instead. 自从我们转到复活节和否定自己的主题后,已经有段时间没分享马太福音了。Now we will return to study the book of Matthew. 现在我们再转回到马太福音。 Today, let’s look at Matt 8:28-34…今天,我们来读...
...nd is also able to control his whole being他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身. 3 We put a bit into the mouth of a horse to make it obey
us我们若把嚼环放在马嘴里,叫它顺服, and we are able to make it go where we want就能调动它的全身. 4 Or think of a ship:看哪...