...不可以。法利赛人利用这法律作为他们私欲的掩护,假装自己是正义的,因为他们做了“合法”的事,就是给妻子写了纸让她们离开。God commands us to honor Him
with all our hearts, all our thoughts, our motives and our attitudes, it needs
to st...
...mselves and waiting for
God’s judgement; 而不肯因信靠神哪怕自己吃亏,去等候神的审判;chapter 7-14,
第7-14章,Paul deals with marriage, idolatry and proper worship in the church, 保罗在教会中处理婚姻,偶像崇拜和怎样去合适敬拜的问题,and then g...
...t just focused on what you want, 若在环境里你的祷告不只是关注自己要什么,but focuses on what He wants, 而是关注神想要什么?and
say, ‘Lord, please search my heart if my attitude or my
view is wrong compared to that of Christ Jesus, 并对主说,“主啊,...
...quo;s holy standards with their own good deeds. 圣经说,没有人能以自己的善行达到神圣洁的标准。It’s by grace, through faith, that we
can be born again and enter God’s Kingdom. 救恩本乎恩,因着信,我们可以重生,进入神的国度。So
if you wanna ...
...conceive and
give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. 因此,主自己要给你们一个兆头,必有童女怀孕生子,给他起名叫以马内利(就是“ 神与我们同在”的意思)。 It sounds like, 这听起来像是: “hi,
you’ve gotta take noti...
...了 so now
I can do whatever I like.” 所以现在我可以过自己的日子了。No,
不,This verse
tells us that God is looking for a result from us if we keep remaining in Him, 这经文告诉我们,神正在等我们结出果子,which is
to bear the fruit of thankfulness i...
...raid of losing our treasures. 我们恐惧是因为我们害怕失去我们自己的财产。 So who is this “man” who joyfully sold everything
he had and bought the treasure hidden in a field? 这个人欢欢喜喜变卖一切,去买藏着宝贝的这块地,他到底是谁?I...
...to please man and please
ourselves 惧怕会导致我们取悦人、取悦自己,but not to please God. 而不是取悦神。From King Saul, we can see that because of fear of
how people looked at him, 我们来看看扫罗王的例子,他因为惧怕人怎样看他,after young David had
...体上得病。 We
expose ourselves to demonic power, 我们将自己暴露在魔鬼的权势之下, which
comes to steal, kill and destroy (John10:10). 恶者来偷窃、杀害、毁坏(约10:10)。 But when we turn to the
Kingdom of God and live in His ways,&nbs...
own thoughts limit us from understanding God’s work; 我们自己的思想限制了我们去理解神的工作; Our own thoughts limit us from
seeing God’s big plan in our own lives, and in our
churches. 我们自己有限的小脑袋看不到 神在我们生活...