... and his own in his
prayer但以理在祷告中承认了他祖先的罪和自己的罪,and he acknowledged
that the iniquities were passed down from fathers to sons他承认祖先有的罪,他们也有,and he asked God for forgiveness and mercy (Dan但9:4-17). 他求神饶恕和怜悯。Nehe...
...d his
livestock?” 12我们的祖宗雅各将这井留给我们,他自己和儿子并牲畜也都喝这井里的水,难道你比他还大吗?”13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this
water will be thirsty again, 13耶稣回答说:“凡喝这水的,还要再渴...
...主要思想是什么?James, calling
himself a servant of God, 雅各称自己为神的仆人,emphasises that
true faith leads to real action—强调真正的信心会带出实际的行动——it endures
trials, 它忍受试炼,seeks wisdom, 寻求智慧,controls speech, 约...
...ed in a way that seemed to be right in our
own eyes, 我们在世上曾行自己眼中看为正的路,but in the end, it leads to
death! 至终却通向死亡!We once walked with brokenness, 我们曾行在破碎中,we walked in darkness! 就行在黑暗中!But
now, 但如今, let&rsquo...
...病人、使死人复活,and through His death and resurrection.以及他自己的死而复活。Jesus’ teaching was always focused on the Kingdom. 耶稣的教导总是关乎他的国度,He didn’t come to preach about the Church, 他不是来宣讲教会,so whether we’re in ...
...by remembering that we together as a family of God主耶稣要我们 牢记自己是神家成员的身份,为祷告的开始. The family that God has redeemed
and is gathering together from all nations这个神买赎回来的家,正从各国各民族中聚集归回! We therefore should live for...
...会谈到这个。We always feel frustrated by our weakness.
我们常为自己的软弱而感到沮丧,Because we wanna
become strong enough and independent. 因我们总想够强大和独立。But in Christ, 但在基督里,it’s totally the
opposite那是完全相反,His power is ma...
... of the time when God brought His people Israel out of Egypt我想起神将自己的子民带出埃及, in the desert进入旷野, God didn’t give them meat and vegetables but manna to eat神只给他们吗哪吃,没给他们吃肉吃蔬菜, yet they still had the physical
energy to walk in...
Satan’s future end is certain, 撒旦的结局已经定了,but it doesn’t mean he is rolling over
or waving a white f...
...an he knew himself他开始从心里知道神认识他,胜过他认识他自己, God
even had known him before he was formed in his mother’s womb 神甚至在他还没有在母腹里成形时已经知道他 Then
he started to realise from the heart that God knew his situation and whatever ...