...记并相信神所赐的身份,我们就有能力抵挡慌言,不因把自己跟别人比较,因谁好谁差而跌倒。我们都是神的祭司,是被召来传扬祂的美德的。彼前2:9Praising God helps us to get out of ourselves, and to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the
Author and Per...
...e we see what we’re really made
of, ——一个我们看到自己内心是什么的地方,where our faith is tested and shown to be real. 是我们的信被试验并显为真的地方。 And what’s the result? 其结局是什么呢? James says, 雅各说:“He will
...并且持续转向祂。We no longer put ourselves
first.我们不再把自己放在第一位,Because we are not God.我们不是神,But let the living God be first. 让永生神在前面。This
is true repentance. 这就是真正的悔改。How to Keep
God first? 怎样将神放第一位?w...
...od is God Himself as the King who
rules. 神国度的统治法则是,神自己作王来统治。And it requires the people to obey 人要完全顺服,and put themselves under the King’s authority. 伏在王的权柄之下。
This’s totally different from a democratic
country, ...
...mourn-over their sins and the sins of the world will
be comforted那些为自己和世界的罪而哀恸的人会得着安慰. The third, those who are gentle and controlled by God’s power will overflow
with God’s power温柔的、受神能力管制的人,会涌流出神的能力. Th...
...ges 士6:1-32, 所以今天我们来读士6:1-32,看看怎样预备自己成为释放的器皿。From v.1-6, we see
that Israel the people of God suffered from financial curses, 在这段里神子民以色列遭受财务诅咒,and they were bullied by the enemies, whilst groaning.
blew the trumpet, shouting, "Jehu is king!"(9:13). 他们就急忙各将自己的衣服铺在上层台阶,使耶户坐在其上;他们吹角,说:“耶户作王了!” Similarly, the multitude recognized Jesus as
the Messiah king by spreading their garments to meet him th...
... so our future can be
flourishing. 我来分享三点,我们怎样谦卑自己,因此我们的将来可以兴旺发达,Are
you interested? 你想要吗?I believe that
everybody wants to flourish, 我相信每一个人都想兴旺,not
to struggle, isn’t that true? 而不是衰败...
...1:21她将要生一个儿子,你要给他起名叫耶稣,因他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来。 2, be healed. 2被医治 (Mark可 5:23, Luke 路8:36, 23 He (Jairus) pleaded
earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your
hands on her so tha...