...darkness of sin in our life which needs to be dealt with in faith,但我们老我的生命里还有很多暗昧的罪需要凭信心来对付, if we want the true light to shine through us.如果我们想要真光从我们里面发出。 We need to get rid of things like我们需要对付像: 1, s...
... follow Him by killing the self, 因此,耶稣召我们跟随他,治死老我,and not to feed it but to deny it.不喂养肉体,而是舍己。This is God’s way of saving our souls.这是神救我们灵魂的方式。 However, did Matthew really
know this in the beginning? 但是...
...e. 尽管可能要等很久,因为我们需要要操练治死“老我”里的急躁和骄傲。
In V.15在15节中, Jesus
answered, 耶稣回答说,“How can the guests of the
bridegroom mourn while he is with them? 新郎和陪伴之人同在的时候...
the corrupted self keeps us from gaining heavenly wisdom. 罪和堕落的老我使我们得不着属天的智慧。 But when we turn away from the self and its sinful thoughts, 但当我们离弃老我和有罪的意念,to following the Word of God, 去跟从神的话,because
we revere God, ...
...们遵行神命令的最大敌人是谁?不是魔鬼,而是我们自己(老我)! “the sinful mind is hostile to God. Romans 8:7a原来体贴肉体的,就是与 神为仇;(罗马书 8:7上 )” Taking up your cross means No more of yourself! No more self! No more of our
desires, no...
...emy 今天我们来看看我们其它的仇敌– the old self,
in our lives through an orphan mindset, 借着孤儿的心态运行在我们生命中,or a mentality which blocks
us from being transformed into
His Son’s likeness. 或是借孤儿心理来拦阻我...
...self rule inside of us or does Christ rule inside of us? 里面是堕落的老我还是基督?Jesus says, to discern whether a tree is good or
bad is to discern its fruit. 耶稣说,从果子就知道树是好是坏。How a
person speaks exposes the heart. 言由心生。To recognize the
...o die to sin and to the desires of the self. 我们被呼召向罪死,向老我死。The book of Romans specifically tells us that “sin
shall not have dominion over you” Rom 6:14b. 罗马书特别教导我们” 罪必不能作你们的主(罗6:14下) In light of Hebre...
...战场。Why? 为什么会这样?Because
the old self is corrupted. 因老我是败坏的。James 4:1 tells us, “what causes fights and
quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires
that battle within you?” “你们中间的争战斗殴是从哪里来的呢?不...
...e fallen nature attempts to change others rather than to change the self因老我想要改变别人而不是改变自己. Let’s think about ourselves想想我们自己, “why do we
get angry at our children? 我们为什么对孩子生气Our husbands对丈夫生气, Our wives对妻子? O...