... family lines? 让我们求问圣灵,在你的家族中有哪些累代的罪孽?Are there any Idol worship, 有没有拜偶像,ancestors’ worship, 拜祖先,occult involvement, 秘术, like the practice of sorcery, 比如巫术,divination, 占卜,fortune telling, 算...
...要称颂耶和华! 不可忘记祂的一切恩惠! 祂赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。Praise the
Lord, o my soul, He forgives what? 我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华,祂赦免你什么?ALL your
sins, 你一切罪孽,Heals what? ALL your diseases. (please say
to the...
...es all your sins and heals
all your diseases. “他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。” Isaiah 赛33:24 No one
living in Zion will say, "I am ill"; and the sins of those who dwell
there will be forgiven. “城内居民必不说:‘我病了’,其中...
...怕死的解药,就是通过耶稣基督的救赎,除去这个世界的罪孽,使祂的子民从怕死中被释放出来。Heb 10:12
But when Christ, had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down
at the right hand of God(来10:12)但基督献了一次永远的赎罪...
...o forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 他赦免你的一切罪孽,医治你的一切疾病。4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 他救赎你的命脱离死亡,以仁爱和慈悲为你的冠冕。5 who satisfies your desires with good
...负我们的痛苦……因我们的过犯被扎,因我们的罪孽被压伤。” Transgressions, iniquities,
sin cause humanity’s greatest poverty, 过犯、罪孽、罪恶使人类陷入最大的贫穷,separating us from God, our Creator, 将我们与创造主神隔绝,...
...】我们都如羊走迷,各人偏行己路,耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上。 He
came to love us who are broken, 祂来爱我们这些破败的,disobedient, stubborn and blind 悖逆的,顽梗的,瞎眼的,by
suffering pain for our sins, 为我们的罪受痛苦,...
...,并有丰盛的慈爱和诚实, 为千万人存留慈爱,赦免罪孽、过犯,和罪恶, We
love to hear that! 我们喜欢听这话!Our Father God is
merciful; 我们的父神是慈悲的;He is full of
compassion; 祂充满怜悯;He is gracious to help us;&...
...ed by
darkness, sin, and death. 所有关系都蒙着阴影,被黑暗、罪孽和死亡遮盖。Anger,
bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, gossip, judgement, hatred, are all
issues in the sinful and broken heart.