... a sinner like him
had been forgiven ,因为他意识到,像他这样的罪人竟被赦免,and continued to be given chances to serve the
Holy God, 并继续赐与机会去侍奉圣洁的神,God’s love cast out fear! 神的爱胜过了惧怕!When he was being martyred, 当他...
... of losing
his life for saving sinners他甚至付上生命的代价来救罪人. Yes对, this is our real DNA that displays
who we are to our enemies这就是我们的DNA,向仇敌表明“我们是谁”, when we are persecuted当被逼迫时, if we follow this way我们若走这条路...
...只有耶稣一个。He came to
call sinners to repentance. 祂来呼召罪人悔改。Come to the Father who loves you,
来到爱你的天父面前,the power of forgiveness is released before
His throne of grace and mercy, 在祂恩典怜悯的宝座前有赦免之恩,Let’s come to the...
...护、供应和祝福. Whatever bad luck we experienced as sinners
作为罪人时所经历的倒霉事, we’ll experience again 我们会再次经历, until we learn to forgive 直到我们学会饶恕. That's why many Christians ask 这就是为什么许多基督徒问: "Why am I not blessed...
...使我们与神的爱隔绝! Jesus, You died for sinners, 耶稣,你为罪人而死,You
didn’t hate me, a sinner against You, 你没有讨厌我这个得罪你的人,but
died for my ignorance 而是为我的无知而死,and give me a future并给了我未来。You’re in charg...
...发烧和魔鬼的工作有关,因邪灵不能害圣洁神子,只会害罪人。She suffered in
her mind, her soul and her physical body from that fever. 彼得岳母的心思、灵魂、身体,都因这烧受苦。Jesus set her free not just from
the fever in her body, but also set her whol...
..., 敬畏耶和华就是恨恶罪,but not to hate sinners. 但不是恨恶罪人。The book of Job is considered one of the wisdom books in the bible, 《约伯记》被认为是圣经中智慧书的其中一卷,Job chapter 28 verse 28 tells us, (约伯记
28:28) 说,
“Behold, the...
...的先知和君王, when he came to call His people to repent当他来召罪人悔改 he endured opposition他被抵挡, rejection and scorn被拒绝,被讥笑, yet lived a life of light and full obedience to the word of God却活出光的生命,全然顺服神的话以至于死在十字架. Loo...
...hrough a family tree where sinners and gentiles were found, 耶稣基督从罪人和外邦人的家谱中诞生,yet
through their true repentance in faith, 但藉着他们在信心中的真悔改,the
nations are blessed.多国蒙了祝福
their names are written in God’s book to ...
...; Jesus came 耶稣来了,to
love and save sinners. 为爱和拯救罪人。
This is the hope of the world. 这是世界的盼望。If
we confess our sins, 我们若认自己的罪,He
is faithful and just to forgive us, 神是信实的,是公义的,必要赦免我们,and
cleanse ...