...e bible. 这就是为什么“税吏”在圣经中被称为“罪人”。 1. The calling of Matthew.
(v. 9:9) 呼召马太(9章9节) In the bible Matthew is
also known as Levi (Mark 2:14), 圣经中,马太也被称为利未 (可2:14),but he described himself as ...
...numbered with the sinners, 我们的主耶稣,这世界之光,被当成罪人,because
people hated Him when he pointed out their sins,
they didn’t wanna turn to the true light, 不愿转向真光,but
rejected and tried to kill him. 却厌弃他...
...税吏、 and multiple
sinners with all kinds of diseases, 许多有病的罪人,Jesus welcomed
them, 耶稣接待他们, and never judged
them他全无论断, but spoke of
the Kingdom to them.而是向他们传讲天国福音。He values
people. 他以人为宝贵。 God’s central
...经历神, he noticed what a sinful man he was才发现自己是何等的罪人, even since he was in his mother’s womb甚至在母腹中就有了罪 (see Psa 51:5,诗51:5), and
he found that he was completely unable to do anything good in his own strength才发现凭自己不能行...
..., how can a sinner suffer persecution because of Jesus若指不信的人,罪人怎么可能为主受逼迫呢? Apparently显然, Jesus is talking about what the mature Christians’
life would be like? 耶稣是在谈论成熟的基督徒的生命该是怎样的?This is the
next step of ta...
...faith但这位弟兄在信心里宣告, “Yes是, I was a sinner我是罪人, but now Jesus’ blood has cleansed me但耶稣的宝血洁净了我!” The demon’s mouth was shut by the blood of
Jesus Christ邪灵的口就马上被宝血止住了! Godly mourning
through the convi...
...yer like this, 我的祷告很简单,“I’m a sinner, 我是个罪人, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for
my sins, 我相信耶稣为我的罪死在十字架上,I
accept Jesus into my heart, 我接受耶稣进入我心里,to
be my Saviour and the Lord of my life. 成为...
...and resurrected to save sinners, 理解福音不只是耶稣死里复活救罪人,but also about His
kingdom on earth. 更是带下祂的国度在地上,这是至关重要的。Why
is it so crucial? 为什么?Because
before the Kingdom of Christ comes in perfection and fullness to rule on e...
...o;Go away from me, Lord; I
am a sinful man. 主啊,离开我,我是个罪人!” Have you noticed? 有个地方你注意了吗?
Luke 5:5, Peter called Jesus “Master” not “Lord,”
...uo;t deserve His mercy. 是为了饶恕我们这些本不配得他怜悯的罪人。So
compassion means that we recognize the suffering of others. 因此,怜悯就是我们感知他人的苦楚。We
“suffer with” someone else who
is like us who don’t deserve mercy. 并且与...