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...was tormented by mental and physical illness 历史证明,希律王饱受精神和身体疾病的折磨,and died miserably at the age of 69. 在69岁时悲惨地死去,The Bible tells us that he was eaten by worms and died. 圣经说他被虫子咬死了。So, no one can live a blessed life ...
发表于 2023-06-26 11:46:13  

...罪债导致我们承受累代的咒诅,such as mental breakdowns, 例如精神崩溃,or marriage breakdowns, 婚姻破裂,or chronic sicknesses, 慢性病,or barrenness, 不孕不育,or being accident-prone, 容易发生意外事故,or a history of suicide in a family or immature death...
发表于 2024-07-14 23:19:44  

...rs!  因此,这个女人整整12年,在身体、心理、社交和精神方​​面受尽了折磨!But whether they were rich or poor然而,贫穷也好,富有也好, or whether they were respected or disrespected,德高望重也好,被人看不起也好,they all desperately need...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:06  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:57%] [57%]2020-02-09 Light to the World 世界的光
...人。They have been wounded emotionally or spiritually. 他们情感或精神上受伤害。Smoldering Wicks: 将残的灯火,those whose faith has been weakened, 信心软弱的人,like a flame that has died, 像火苗已熄灭,but its wick (lampwick) is smoking and not dead yet. 灯心...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:49:35  

...脱离各样的捆绑,诸如谎言、抱怨、负面思想、不饶恕、精神痛苦、属灵问题等等,也伴随着身体的医治。“he was pieced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities哪知他为我们的过犯受害, 为我们的罪孽压伤。” Apparent...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:17  

...l and physical chronic sickness; 对另一些人来说,它可能会遗传精神和身体上的慢性疾病; prone to personal accidents; 或易发生人身事故; Or others may inherit a history of suicide or premature death. 有人或者家族里有自杀或过早夭的历史。Perhaps you hav...
发表于 2023-05-21 17:36:31  

...疾, and his wife’s mental health deteriorated rapidly,妻子的精神状况也急剧恶化. Can you imagine the difficulties你能想象他经历的艰难吗? What if you shared the gospel for 7 years and no one accepted it 若你传福音7年,却没有一个人信主,你会怎样? ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:29:55  

...d untimely deaths, 有自杀或早死的,mental or emotional breakdowns, 精神或情感崩溃的,continuing financial insufficiency and so on. 持续的财务不足的状况等等。And how obedience to God through the redemption of Christ can break those curses and allows us to live a blessed...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:50:20  

...."。worrying, worrying….Worrying can cause mental, 忧虑会导致精神physical, and relational problems,身体和人际关系方面的问题,If you’re worrying and anxious,若你忧虑,焦虑 you can’t sleep well你不能睡好觉. Worrying can get you angry with your sp...
发表于 2024-03-10 16:30:21  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:56%] [56%]2021-02-21 Live by Faith 凭信而活(1)
... fatigue can result in mental exhaustion, 祂知道身体的疲劳会导致精神的疲惫,which can get our eyes off Jesus on to the things we’re doing. 使我们的眼睛从耶稣身上转移到我们所做的事情上。 If we continue focus on them, 如果我们继续定睛在这些事...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:04:48  
