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...ure他们都得着了永恒奖赏的启示,都被激励去战胜肉体的私欲、 and the enticement of the world and Satan 世界和撒但的诱惑,by doing what was right in Your eyes. 行了你眼中认为对的事。 Father, give me Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation, 天...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:16  

...ed to their own desires亚当和夏娃听从了撒旦,顺服了自己的私欲. They disobeyed and sinned God他们悖逆得罪了神, by sin they yielded their authority to Satan因犯罪就将主权交给了撒旦, “the whole world is under the control of the evil one全世界都卧在...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:37  
