...he sinful nature, 祂如今在我们里面,可以帮助我们胜过一切私欲,and
guide us into His uprightness and integrity 引导我们进入祂的正直完全里!Saint
Augustine said that the confession of bad works is the beginning of good works.
...被恶试探,他也不试探人。但各人被试探,乃是被自己的私欲牵引诱惑的。”God never
promises us a life that is free from temptation, 神从未应许我们过没有试探的人生,Rather,
He teaches us to pray and to have faith in His strength and His deliverance ...
...m of God
has nothing to do with the fruit of the flesh, 神的国与肉体私欲的果子无关,but has everything to
do with producing love, peace, joy, and all the fruit of the Holy Spirit. 而是与仁爱、喜乐、和平,和圣灵所结的一切果子有关。For we’re designed to
...e led by the desires of the sinful nature, 若你是被肉体的邪情私欲引导,it
says you’ll die. 圣经说必要死。
It doesn’t mean we’ll
be dead physically. 并非说我们的肉身会死。It means we’ll be
like Adam, dead spiritually. ...
...eption.” 就要脱去你们从前行为上的旧人,这旧人是因私欲的迷惑渐渐变坏的; Deception is the main scheme of the enemy, 迷惑是仇敌的主要计谋,for he is the father of lies. 因他是谎言之父,He
speaks lies to us. 一直向我们撒谎。 In...
...ped Mammon, 随从心中的苦毒、怒恨、论断、贪婪, 各种的私欲,followed bitterness, anger, judgment, greed, self-centered desires,被撒旦欺压,落在各种咒诅之下,在黑暗死亡中没有盼望…… and were oppressed
by Satan, fell under vari...
... deny the desires of the flesh and do what my Lord
did, 去否定自己的私欲,行基督所行的,and to remain in His love to love those who don’t
listen to me, 住在他的爱里去爱那些不顺我意的人,or who do things
not my way去爱和我做事不一样的人…and ...
...overcame the desires of the flesh and his enemy. 他就胜过了肉体私欲 也胜过了仇敌。 10 days later, 十天之后, God struck Nabal and he died. 神击打拿八,他就死了。God gave All Nabal’s possessions to David, including Abigail&...
...和仇敌摔跤. The enemy could be our own wills仇敌可以是我们的私欲, and it also could be the dark power也可以是黑暗权势 (see Eph 6:12,弗6:12). That’s why we need the Holy Spirit to help
us to pray所以我们需要圣灵帮助我们祷告. 3, The promise of the filli...
...们表面的做,可以不可以。法利赛人利用这法律作为他们私欲的掩护,假装自己是正义的,因为他们做了“合法”的事,就是给妻子写了纸让她们离开。God commands us to honor Him
with all our hearts, all our thoughts, our motives and our at...