...们已经脱去旧人和旧人的行为,10穿上了新人,这新人在知识上渐渐更新,正如造他主的形像。What can cause us to lose peace 是什么使我们失去平安、and disconnect us from the rest of
faith? 使我们离开信心里的安息?A couple of things are listed, ...
...he Lord, as the waters cover the sea. 【哈2:14】认识耶和华荣耀的知识,要充满遍地,好像水充满洋海一般。 What does it mean? when the bible
says, ‘the glory of God”. 圣经所说“神的荣耀”是什么意思? In the wilderness, when the
..., no matter how much bible knowledge
we gain不管我们知道多少圣经知识, we are still given over to shameful
lusts if we choose to obey the self若我们只听自己的,就仍然被交付在情欲的辖制里. If “I”…me…my feelings” reign…若&ldquo...
...wledge in
the head, 不是那些读过很多圣经,头脑里有一大堆知识的,and show to others that
we know something, 在人前去炫耀自己知道点什么, yet still seeking
praise from men, 却还在求人的荣耀的人。but those who practice
seeking praise from God inwardly,...
revelation about who the Lord really is, 我们害怕,是因为我们有知识却没有启示,知道这位主到底是谁,and how His kingdom works, 祂的国度是如何统治的,and how the
Kingdom of darkness works. 以及黑暗国度是如何运行的。So today, from verse one, we&rsq...
...nowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea! 因为认识耶和华的知识要充满遍地, 好像水充满洋海一般。(赛 11:9) What a great hope we have!何等盼望! This is what I hope for and live for.这是我的盼望,我为此而活。 For this reason, Jesus promises...
...ot enough for
us to understand God’s will只是口头(用头脑的知识)复述主祷文,不足以让我们明白神的旨意, but the devotional practice of the Lord’s prayer in faith can help and guide
us to the ultimate goal 惟有在信心里操练这段主祷文,才能带...
old self, has sinned and separated us from God’s peace. Because of sin and fear, the old self never feels secure in