... of the Lord as the
waters cover the sea. 14 认识耶和华荣耀的知识,要充满遍地,好像水充满洋海一般。(哈2:14) What does it
mean? 是什么意思?““The glory of the Lord” simply means: the goodness of God, and
the nature of God as He told Mo...
... the tree of good and evil
which wasn’t from God, 是照着吃分辨善恶的果子的旧人在判断, 不是出于神的but I still believed
that my way was better than my mum’s.但我还是觉得我的方式比妈妈的好。
当天是周五 that night (Friday night), 半...
...神知道,你们吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你们便如神能知道善恶。”Then they
stretched out their hands and did it quickly. Why? They desired tobe like God
in their own way. 于是他们很快伸手摘了果子吃,为什么?因为想照自己的方式作神。In fact, we...
like apple trees or pear trees or any other fruit trees? 你种过苹果树、梨树、或者别的果树吗?If
you plant two fruit trees, how do you discern which is a good tree or which is
a bad tree after a few years?假如你种了两棵果树,几年后你怎样看出哪棵好、哪棵...
... in sleeplessness警醒, in fastings不食; 6 by purity廉洁, by knowledge知识, by longsuffering恒忍, by kindness恩慈, by the Holy Spirit圣灵的感化, by sincere love无伪的爱心, 7 by the word of
truth真实的道理, by the power
of God神的大能, by the armor
of righteousness on...
...恩赐,the word of wisdom
and the word of knowledge, 智慧的话语和知识的话语 I can’t fulfil my
calling to deliverance ministry.我就无法完成医治释放的呼召,and neither can
you.你也一样。He empowers us to
fulfil what we’re called to do (Acts 1:8). ...
...摩西发怨言, but God showed
Moses a tree但耶和华指示摩西一棵树, he cast it into
the bitter water他把树丢在水里, and it became
sweet水就变甜了. The tree healed the
water那棵树医治了水! And the Lord
said耶和华又说: “If you listen carefully to the voice...
...man of low education have knelt before Him那些认为基督是没文化的知识分子 在他面前跪下.Christ Jesus has defeated the enemy forever. 基督耶稣打败了仇敌直到永远The secret of Christ’s strength to overcome is not the crowd基督得胜的秘密不是因为...
...人的眼睛就明亮了,才知道自己是赤身露体,便拿无花果树的叶子为自己编做裙子。(创世记 3:7). They immediately did something to make themselves feel better他们马上就做点什么,为让自己好受点, instead of
turning to the Father to repent, 而不是...