...色列人因信靠逾越节羔羊的血而从神击杀埃及长子的忿怒中被拯救出来。This symbolises the first dimension of life that they were
saved. 这预表他们的生命被拯救的第一个层面。 Then, in their journey through the wilderness, 然后在旷野的旅程中,they ...
...name should
be sanctified amongst His people神盼望祂的名在神子民中被尊为圣! But His name was profaned by the people of Israel because they sought out
idols rather than God可祂的名却因以色列民追随偶像被亵渎了. The bible tells us经上说, “Their land is full o...
... family cycles….” 我不愿继续在家族咒诅的循环中被辖制… Let forgiveness set you free…让饶恕释放你…and thank God for your parents, 为你的父母感谢神,thank God for the way they raised you and gave you a family and an educat...
...,他可以说话、还生养了两个孩子。然而,他从神的同在中被赶逐出去了。Ephesians 2:5 explains, “made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 《以弗所书》2:5 这样解释,“我们死在过...