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...d are strictly disciplined by the grace of God.他们都会在神的恩典中被严厉管教。  If they instead satisfy the desires of their sinful natures, 他们若顺从自己罪性的私欲,dreams come to them immediately in the night to convict them of wrong thoughts or wrong a...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:06  

...y mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. 还有四个女人在耶稣的家谱中被特地提到,Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. 他玛,喇合,路得,拔示巴。Who are they? 她们是谁? Why is Abraham’s wife, Sarah, the woman of faith, not mentioned? 为什么亚伯拉罕大有...
发表于 2023-05-21 17:36:31  

...  The mess was mended by the love of God. 这混乱在神的爱中被修补。This is an act of love: 这是一个爱的行动:dying to the self, 向自己的意思死,living in God’s love, 向神的爱活,which can powerfully drive out fear and darkness. 就有能力赶出惧...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:09  

...王,we’ll get out of our problems. 我们就会从我们的问题中被释放出来。  Because God is Problem Fixer not us. 因神是解决问题的,不是我们。In Exodus 14, When the surging waters of the Red Sea were ahead of the people of Israel who were just taken out o...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:11  

...自清洁的心which is led by the truth in love.  ,是在爱中被真理引导的。Proverbs says, 箴言里说, “wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Pro 27:6. 朋友加的伤痕出于忠诚; 仇敌连连亲嘴却是多余。(箴...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:02  

...ted in His Kingdom. 为的是我们这些卑微的人可以在祂的国度中被高举。He is calling祂在呼召, “come, and follow me来,跟从我 treat others the way I treat you待人像我待你一样, you can be healed your wounds你就会得医治, I’ll bless you and your chil...
发表于 2024-08-25 18:54:07  

...了你们 (约 15:19) We’re chosen out of the field. 我们从田地中被拣选。In 1 Cor 3:9, when it comes to God’s people, it says, “you are God’s field, God’s building.” 在林前3:9,论到神的子民,经上说你们是 神所耕种的田地,所...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:59:22  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:20%] [20%]2019-11-03 Spiritual Warfare 属灵争战
...m worshipping idols, or from addictions. 他们就从拜偶像和各种瘾中被释放出来。That’s the power of God! 这就是神的大能!Our blaming words only keep ourselves from the light, 说责怪人的话只会使我们远离光,but whenever we rely on God in prayer, 但无论...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:39  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:19%] [19%]2017-12-10 The beatitudes 天国八福之五
...pulation and all bondages of sin 我们就能从操纵和各样罪的捆绑中被释放出来. Mercy is opposite to manipulation and criticism怜悯和操纵,论断是相反的! If every day we read God’s word若我们每一天读神的话, and allow it to judge the desires and motives of ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:35  

...pain and rejection….我们的心需要从惧怕、伤害和拒绝感中被释放出来....Yes Lord, the cross is a place of exchange. 是的主啊,十字架是交换的地方。The cross speaks of Your love towards me which is as strong as death. 十字架表达了你对我的爱是如死...
发表于 2022-11-27 14:56:30  
