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[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:66%] [66%]2017-07-23 the power of praise 赞美的大能
...后,and were cast out of God’s presence, 我们就从神的同在中被逐出,mankind lost the authority and became slave of sin and death. 人类失去权柄,成为罪和死的奴仆。Darkness covers the whole world! 黑暗笼罩全世界!Broken hearts generate broken relationshi...
发表于 2024-01-08 20:41:21  

...er with them to meet the Lord in the air. 然后活着的人与他们一同被提,在空中与主相遇。Not only will there be the resurrection of the body of Christ, the Church, 不但基督的身体,就是教会,会复活,but also there will be a resurrection of all kingdom saints, 也...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:23  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:46%] [46%]2019-04-14 Entering Jerusalem 光荣进圣城
...raptured saints will stand on the Mount of Olives. 基督,弥赛亚,与被提的圣徒一同再临的时候,将会站在橄榄山上。And then the Mount of Olives will be divided into two. 那时橄榄山将一分为二。In the last day, 末后的日子,that will be an awe-inspiring event ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:59  

...ith Jerusalem, by Titus' army.” 第二圣殿连同耶路撒冷一并被提多的军队摧毁。” Titus was a Roman general. 提多是罗马的一位将军。I won’t talk about this in detail, 我今天不详细讨论这个问题, you can google it yourselves. 你们可以自己...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:01:05  

...):但愿我的头为水,我的眼为泪的泉源,我好为我百姓中被杀的人昼夜哭泣。Jeremiah has the heart of Jesus Christ to mourn over the people’s sins 耶利米有基督的心肠为神子民哭求, and ask for mercy and forgiveness for them哭求怜悯和赦免! When ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:05  

...他人。So that I can be set free from hatred. 使我可以从仇恨中被释放出来。I can be set free from the tormenting power of the evil spirits. 使我可以从邪灵的折磨中被释放出来。I’m a child of God, 我是神的孩子,I’m an ambassador of the Kingdo...
发表于 2023-07-16 23:35:20  

... we are taught in the Lord’s prayer to say, 因此我们在主祷文中被教导说: “our Father in heaven.” “我们在天上的父。”We are created and redeemed for a purpose 我们被创造和救赎是为着一个目的--- to be God’s sons ——成...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:46  

...inners” in the bible. 这就是为什么“税吏”在圣经中被称为“罪人”。 1. The calling of Matthew. (v. 9:9) 呼召马太(9章9节) In the bible Matthew is also known as Levi (Mark 2:14), 圣经中,马太也被称为利未 (可2:14),but he de...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:35  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:20%] [20%]2020-03-28 Humility 谦卑
...t Joseph experienced in our stories,你我也可以在我们自己的环境中被神这样的举起, but the key is whether we are humble enough like Joseph was or not.但关键是我们是否可以像约瑟那么的谦卑。Because our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. 因我们的神...
发表于 2022-03-25 17:28:28  

...稣基督的救赎,除去这个世界的罪孽,使祂的子民从怕死中被释放出来。Heb 10:12 But when Christ, had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God(来10:12)但基督献了一次永远的赎罪祭,就在 神的右边坐下...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:17  
